
出版时间:2006-1  出版社:外文出版社  作者:韦黎明 等著  页数:263  


The Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region is situated in the northwest of China.The Yellow River,running acrossnearly 400km in the region,supplies 4 billion cubic meters of water annually for irrigation.Ningxia since ancient times has been famed for ist rich natural and cultural resources endowes by the Yellow Rive.    Ningxia is one of the five provincial-level atuonomous regons in China.Thirty-five percent of its population of 5.87million os of the Hui Ethnic Group,In the region,there are mysterious mausoleums of the kings of Western Xia,the cliff paintings of Helan Mountations,the Shuidonggou historical runis,the ancient Great Wall and other historical singht and places of interest,which all witnessed the long history of Ningxia.    The book mainly presents the customs of the Hui Ethnic Group.Besides,it also introduces Ningxia's past and present to the readers.


Paradise of China's Hui People  Coming From the Silk Road  Three Major Festivals of the Hui People  Clothing and Diet  Hot-Water Kettle,“Major”and“Minor”Ablutions  Mosques in Ningxia  The Jew's Harp,Hua'er and Whshu  Prominent Hui FigureThe Mystery of the Ancient Kingdom of Western Xia  Dangxing Qjang and Western Xia  Li Yuanhao,Fouunder of the Western Xia Dynasty  Mystery of Western Xia Language and the Xia-Han Dictionary  Western Xia Tombs-Eastern Pyramids  Western Xia Customs  Western Xia StudiesAncient Rock Paintings in Helan Mountains  Area With the Densest Distribuiton of Rock Paintings  Prehistoric Art Carved on Stones  Recaptuing Life in Remote Antiquity  A Treasure House of Creatvity in Ancient Times  Non-Offcial World Heritage  Human Information Awaiting StudyA Land Enriched by the Yellow RiverAppendix


版权页:The Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region is the largest area in China where the Hui people live in compact communities. The forerunners of the Huis appeared on this land over l,000 years ago. Relying on the rich water resources from the Yellow River and their hard work, the Hui people have flourished and turned this alluvial plain, hemmed in on three sides bv deserts,into a livable "home of rice and fish".





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