
出版时间:2005-10  出版社:外文出版社  作者:卢敏  页数:200  


本书是《英语笔译实务》二级指定教材的配套训练用书。本书分为十五个单元,涉及政治、经济、文化、历史、文艺、贸易、外交、工业、农业、教育、法律、科技等领域,内容丰富,题材广泛。本书的编写宗旨是为广大的考生提供大量的翻译练习材料,帮助考生强化翻译实践和训练,熟练掌握翻译技巧,增加对翻译的感悟,获得更多的翻译经验,分析研究好的译文,借鉴译文中的词语运用和翻译风格,提高翻译水平和能力。    本辅导用书的特点:(1)无论是英译中或中译英,首先练习句子翻译,然后才着手翻译短文,让考生由浅入深地学习翻译,领悟翻译;(2)短文的注释增加了中国和英美背景知识的介绍,帮助考生拓宽知识面,扩大视野;(3)鉴于经贸和法律文体翻译的特殊性,第十四、十五单元主要介绍经贸翻译中的常用术语、常见商业信函和合同的翻译方法,以及法律翻译中的词语选择和其它应注意的问题。    本书既可供讲授翻译的教师和准备参加英语二级笔译考试的考生使用,也可供普通英语学习者和翻译自学者单独使用。




Unit 1 英译汉   句子翻译   段落翻译    passage 1 Vera Perlin    passage 2 Billi Dyer 汉译英   句子翻译   段落翻译    passage 1 孟母教子    passage 2 朱自清Unit 2 英译汉   句子翻译   段落翻译     passage 1 Satiric Literature     passage 2 Ameiican Folk Art 汉译英   句子翻译   段落翻译     passage 1 汉族人的宗教     passage 2 说“席”Unit 3 英译汉   句子翻译   段落翻译     passage 1 Obesity,a Growing Problem in the US     passage 2 Gender Tax 汉译英   句子翻译   段落翻译    passage 1 林语堂的幽默演讲    passage 2 西方人眼中的中国人Unit 4 英译汉   句子翻译   段落翻译    passage 1 2004 State Of the Union Address    passage 2 2004 State Of the Union Address 汉译英   句子翻译   段落翻译     passage 1 巩固中非传统友谊深化中非全面合作     passage 2 巩固中非传统友谊深化中非全面合作Unit 5 英译汉   句子翻译   段落翻译    passage 1 Extreme Cold Forecast in US over Next 2—3 Weeks    passage 2 Tigers in Times Square 汉译英   句子翻译   段落翻译   passage 1 飞雪突降申城     passage 2 泥巴地图抒情怀Unit 6 英译汉   句子翻译   段落翻译     passage 1 Germany Moonlighter Economy     passage 2 The Supernote 汉译英   句子翻译  ……Unit 7 Unit 8Unit 9Unit 10Unit 11Unit 12Unit 13Unit 14Unit 15全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试问答


  Anyone who sees this map made with mud would be struck by its novelty, by the soil colours in particular, as the colours were not painted on, but were the natural colour of the soils themselves. Altogether the soils come in 34 different colours and every bit of them was collected by Gu Lipeng in the capital cities of the provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions of China. For example, the Liaoning Province in the map was represented by the soils in Shenyang, Beijing by the soils from the Temple of Heaven and the Palace Museum, Tibet by the soils from Potala Palace and so forth.  The motive behind Mr. Gus painstaking effort to make this mud map was at the beginning not to set a Guinness record, but for something else. It all happened that Mr. Gu had an uncle who was a Kuomintang general and fell in a battle against the Japanese army in 1944. Gus family came to know all of this only several years ago with the help of Song Xilian, a high-ranking general of Kuomintang who was then residing in the United States. Gu met Song during a business trip to America. In order to show his gratitude as well as alleviate the homesickness of the old man, Gu began thinking about making a present for Song.  On his way home from New York Gu made a stopover in Hong Kong. In an outing to the Ocean Park there, Gu was attracted by the growing flowers and grass and the uncovered earth. He could not help but gathered some soil in a handkerchief. Just at this moment an idea occurred to him. He decided to make a unique mud map of China by using soils from all the Chinese provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities and give it to Song as a gift.  Unfortunately, Song died only 36 days after their meeting. But Gu did not change his mind and decided to finish the making of the map. He asked craftsmen to make a copper plate into a sketch map of China and mark out each province, autonomous region and municipality with a separator. Then he embarked on the long journey of gathering soils from across China. He collected soils himself during business trips and asked his local friends to collect soils for him in places where he could not make a trip to. The gathering process continued until the latter half of 1999 when he had come by the soils from every part of China except that from Taiwan.  Back in Shenyang Gu decided to try to paste the soils already in his possession onto the map. He had thought it would be very easy: just mix up the soil and glue and then put the mixture onto the map, thats all. But, he realized immediately that he was wrong once he started. The soil lost its cohesiveness when it dried up and began to peel off bit by bit. As soon as Gu tried to place the map in an upright position, the soil representing Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region fell plopping to the ground, and then Qinghai followed suit. When he moved the copper plate a bit, other places fell off too, one after another.  "Its because the glue does not stick," Gu thought. "Where there is pain there is gain," as the proverb goes. Gu finally succeeded, after many failures, in gluing the soils onto the places on the copper plate they belonged. Gu was pondering over another question now. How to best represent the Yangtze and Yellow River. He came to the conclusion of using gold and silver necklaces for the purpose.  To do this he would need a dozen necklaces. So far in his life he had only bought his wife a gold necklace of 14 karats, would his wife agree to spend fortunes on buying so many gold and silver pieces just for making a map? His wife finally agreed, succumbing to his patient persuasion. With her support, the glittering gold necklaces were embedded onto the map. Gu was beside himself with joy when he looked at the shining Yangtze and Yellow River. Now the only regret was Taiwan. Without the soil from that province the map is ~ot yet complete.  In September 1999, Mr. Cui Hui, a shipping manager, told Gu that one of his Shenzhen friends named Cai Kun would come to Shenyang on a business trip and suggested that Gu approach him to see if there was any hope.  When Caiar arrived, Manager Cui threw a banquet for the visitor and invited Gu to accompany his guest. Three cups of wine later, Gu mentioned the matter in detail and asked Cai if he could help. Cai agreed without a moment of hesitation. "No problem," he said. "We in the Shenzhen Shipping Company maintain business ties with Kaohsiung of Taiwan and the US. I would ask sailors destined for Taiwan to gather some soil for you. "  Some time later Cai brought to Shenyang some Taiwan soil that Gu had been waiting for so long. Gu felt extremely warm and excited. The soil was a component part of his efforts of making a unique mud map. With the Taiwan soil in hand Gu succeeded in completing his mud map of China, which took him 7 years and over 60,000 yuan.  Here now before his eyes stood a map of China made of soils in 34 different colours representing the 34 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities of China. Gu felt very proud in his heart of hearts.


  译员身份证,职场通行证  由国家人力资源和社会保障部统一规划、中国外文局负责实施与管理的全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试,已纳入国家职业资格证书制度,全国统一实行,面向全社会。该项考试是国内对参试人员口、笔译双语互译能力和水平的最权威认定。考试合格者,将获得《中华人民共和国翻译专业资格(水平)证书》,该证书全国范围内有效。中国外文局授权外文出版社出版发行考试相关图书。




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用户评论 (总计118条)


  •   英语笔译实务二级是一能给你带来挑战乐趣的辅导丛书,其涵盖面广泛,不拘于某一方面,可以在各个方面训练强化你的翻译水准!
  •   是2级实务的配套练习 有英译汉和汉译英 以及翻译技巧 挺好的
  •   英语笔译实务2级,必看,不过还不够,但是书上写的很有用哦
  •   买了笔译实务2级,想来还是买一本配套的辅导材料比较好,练习题的难度和教材还是有区别的,多做练习只有好处~~~~~~~~
  •   二级笔译必备的书,值得买来准备考试
  •   这是帮朋友买的,觉得很实用,对二级笔译考试很有帮助
  •   感觉辅导书的内容设置更加循序渐进,比较好接受,还是有一定难度的,翻译离不开长期的积累和反练习,希望能够一次通过二级啊。
  •   书很实惠的,比别的地方都便宜而且还是送货上门,真的是没法比啦》。。就是其中的两本书笔译实务和二级笔译的书有点儿旧,也不知道怎么弄得,总体来说,还是比较满意的
  •   为了考翻译二级嘛,这个事必买的书,当然光看这个也是不够的!
  •   很不错的书,希望能对翻译考试有所帮助,谢谢卖家
  •   针对性强,可以提高翻译水平。
  •   准备笔译考试必备~~很好的书~~推荐~~官方教材
  •   标准教材。争取早日能过二级笔译!
  •   很适合备战笔译二级 超级赞 书很详细
  •   二级笔译必备 希望五月份能过
  •   书是正版,快递也很给力,内容也不错,适合翻译专业的人看
  •   还不错,适合翻译专业,很多类型的文章,长姿势啊!!!
  •   笔译中的辅导教材,真的很不错
  •   内容很实用,而且可以帮助考2级笔译的书,很有用啊,值得一看
  •   不错,发货也快。书也好,实用 增长翻译能力
  •   考翻译资格证书少不了的呀,内容丰富
  •   对翻译词汇的积累,技巧的掌握挺有帮助
  •   书的内容和教材其实差不多,202页,基本就是一些例文,没有讲解,但是值得仔细推敲。翻译其实就是自己研究的过程。
  •   好书 练习翻译很实用
  •   很好的翻译书,考证必备。
  •   用来扩充翻译视野很不错,建议大家认真看看
  •   范围很广,适合学翻译的用。
  •   要是书有货就更好了,原文,翻译,notes一样都不少
  •   考证非必备。。可以多看看翻译资料
  •   较三级而言有较高的难度,是锻炼翻译的较好本材
  •   的确不错,我买回来了一看是练习题,然后又买了配套的书,感觉不错!笔译的难度有点大,不过还是努力看和练习题,相信明年报考能过!想报考笔译的同学,这本书是不许错的选择!
  •   为了二级考试买的,同时买了一堆书,这本才看了一半,这个周末就考试了捏。。。
  •   拿回来翻了翻,感觉还不错,是正品
  •   辅助二级考试,科学实用
  •   刚刚拿到书,感觉是正版,蛮不错的,还没开始仔细阅读,希望这次笔译能够顺利通过!
  •   很好,笔译的好书本
  •   为了2级考试备下的,权威,值得学习。要参加2级考试的娃娃们加油。
  •   对专业英语有很大帮助,值得认真学习。
  •   对于2级考试很有帮助,毕竟难度在哪呢
  •   是配套教材的最佳伴侣,对于备考二级很有帮助!
  •   考试指定用书,买来看看
  •   有很多练习,考试必备用书,怎么说呢,教材就得吃透
  •   正在准备二级,之前用了同一系列的三级的书,感觉不错
  •   全是正版,内容很好,对考试很有帮助
  •   很不错的练习书。考试必备
  •   二级必备
  •   年底才考二级~~~~先放在一边~质量不错
  •   考试必备书目之一,努力学习中。
  •   买了准备明年的考试感觉不错要是后面有单词表多好啊
  •   挺好的,希望这次考试能通过...
  •   就是考试用的教材嘛,还能咋地,刚好赶上开学减价,买了一堆还是挺实惠的。
  •   这本书想要完全做下来需要毅力,题量较大,相关的辅导语较少,主要靠自己去总结方法,建议初学者最好不要买。
  •   还没翻,不过看起来不错。有一本封皮有点压皱了,问题不大。希望会通过考试,求免挂金牌
  •   挺不错的书。为了考试买的。正版。
  •   书很好 就是考试太难啊
  •   考试书,不评论~
  •   考试必备,要好好学习了
  •   印刷什么的都不错,内容希望不要出太大的错,毕竟影响考试的
  •   希望他有作用!!为了考试,加油!!!!!!!!!!!!
  •   考试用的,还没读完
  •   兴冲冲的买回来 到现在也没怎么看 还有40多天考试了 木有危机感啊啊啊
  •   不管考研还是考试,都有用!
  •   感觉是正版的,为了考试买的,不过还没来得及细看呢。纸质很好。
  •   还没看 讲解基本没有 没有3级参考用书好
  •   难度适合水平较高的学习者,很不错
  •   买错了,这是辅导,不是教材。唉
  •   这本书内容比较深奥、、但是涉猎很广,建议大家先看3级打基础再看这本提升~~~~
  •   练笔译的好材料,推荐。
  •   是指定用书,本来期望没那么大,没想到内容很充实到位,很喜欢
  •   配套的练习比教材要有层次,由浅入深
  •   适合有志报考MTI硕士的考生用。
  •   是指定教材,实践很有必要
  •   书不错,指定教材
  •   送货及时,书本质量也挺好。内容还没看,不过既然是指定教材也就没什么好说的了,好好复习吧。
  •   讲解的还是比较详细的,做真题好
  •   指定教材,没的说。
  •   指定教材 应该错不了
  •   买的指定参考书 内容没什么要评价的
  •   已经读过教材,配套练习一直没有买,练习不错。
  •   本来想买教材的,却买成了配套练习,还好啦。刚买就降价了,郁闷哦。。
  •   练习使用的,应该还不错。
  •   很好,分得很清楚用来辅助考高口的,喜欢~
  •   配套练习,分类挺好,适合入手
  •   练习用很好,这个这个这个。。。。当当这个平台让顾客不敢讲真话,讲了真话就不给你积分了,所以就算书质量出现问题再不好也不能说
  •   很好的书,这本书的质量、纸质看着都很舒服。内容也很好,不过蛮难的
  •   刚收到,还没看内容,书的质量很好,相信会对我的学习有很大的帮助吧
  •   书很好,外甥很喜欢,对他学习有很大帮助
  •   正版图书,很不错,很有帮助
  •   考级必备书,练习内容很多
  •   不仅考资格证能用~~~MTI备考必备!!
  •   快递速度快,书也不错,还在细细研究中
  •   挺好的一本书,可惜自己很懒
  •   不错不错!一口气买了七本书,都包装得很好,是正版的!
  •   看了看大概,跟上一次用的三笔的差不多,一定会有所帮助!只是纸质有点粗糙!总的来说,不错的。
  •   读过这本书之后,感觉不错,内容比较丰富,而且讲解也挺全面的。总之,好评。
  •   这书不错,应该挺有帮助,还没怎么看呢。
  •   当练习来做,不错不错
  •   考mti的话 有点难 练习用不错 需要一定基础
  •   很不错,天天练习会有进步的
  •   内容翔实,纸质不错,希望对我的考级有所帮助!

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