
出版时间:2005-7  出版社:外文出版社  作者:成卫东  页数:294  


Countless people have long been fascinated by and dreamed about the wonderful land of tibet in china.The author has visited Tibet 19 times within 16 years,covering almost every county,city and a great number of villages,experiencing its unique traditional festivals,celbrations,religious activities and major events,forging an indissoluble bond with Tibet in the process.    During each of his Tibetan jcurneys,the author faithfully recorded what he saw,heard and felt,sparing no effort or danger to photograph the magnificent natural scenery of Tibet's snowcoverd land,its exotic local customs and conditions,its solemn scenes of Buddhist worship.This book is based on that material,arranged as 14 topics whose fine text and lavish photography pressnt precious moments and places that lie beyond the easy reach of ordinary people.


PrefaceIntruders in No-man's LandSighting Mount EverestTraveling East along the Parlung Zangbo RiverZayu-Home of the Deng PeopleThrough the Great Canyou of Yarlung ZangboMedog County-the“Oasis on the Plateau”Seeing Bharals at Nyengul MonasteryUnfurling the Buddha Portrait at Drepung MonasteryNamtso-the Heavenly LakeThe“Kingdom of Guge”and Its CustodianFirst Sight of the Dungkar MuralsPilgrimage to the Sacred MountainBird Watching on Pangong Tso LakeTraveling the Xinjiang-Tibet HighwayAppendix




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