
出版时间:2005-1  出版社:Foreign Languages Press  作者:Jin Shoushen  页数:141  译者:Gladys Yang  


The folktales in this collection, with a genuine Chinese flavour, carry readers back to the building of Beijing as the Ming-dynasty capital in 1421. Dealing with the city's layout, some of its chief monuments, place names and different legends, they give readers fascinating glimpses of the life of rulers as well as ordinary people.


PrefaceThe Eingt-Armed Nezzha CityHow the Black Rock Went to Lu Gou QiaoGao Liang;s Race for WaterBei Xin Qiao——New North BridgeThe Centipede WillsThe Cricket Cage PeklarTian An Men;s Stone LionsShi Cha HaiTht Bell GoddessJiu Xian Qiao——Liquor Immortal BridgeBrimful WellThe Stone Statues at the Ming TombsBlack Dragon LakeThe Folwer GoddessSwallow TerraceUrm HillIron Screen WallThe Motherwort in the Temple of HeavenLushi and His Dragon DisciplesTopsyturvy TempleThe Tired PagodaDiscriminating Bell TempleThe Black MonkeyThe Stone Monkeys on Broken Rainbow BridgeHow Masted Vessels Passed Under Eingt Li BridgeThe Crescent Moon on Tip of a Plum Tree




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用户评论 (总计7条)


  •   不错的一本书,有助于了解北京的历史地理
  •   很多北京人也不了解北京的文化和传说,很多人不曾停下来细细品味北京的文化。今天,当北京成为一个国际性的城市的时候,我想我们有义务宣传北京的历史,北京的文化,北京的故事。在这本书里,我们就可以感受到一丝丝的安慰,当你理解,了解的时候,你也可以向外国人讲述北京的传说。
  •   这样的书已经不多见了,很小,很快就读完了,戴乃迭的译文。
  •   很好看 我买的英文版 中文版的下次可以买来看看
  •   不错,全英文……质量也好。
  •   看着看着就犯困。
  •   是不是作者自己介绍得太牛了,然后把读者的期待弄得老高,结果很失望。

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