出版时间:2004-7 出版社:外文出版 作者:张春柏 页数:267 字数:220000
张春柏 男,现为华东师范大学外语学院院长,教授,博士生导师,教育部高校外语专业教学指导委员会委员,中国英语教学研究会常务理事,中国英汉语比较研究会常务理事,中国翻译协会理事,上海外文学会副会长,上海翻译家协会常务理事,享受国务院政府特殊津贴。主要研究方向为翻译理论与实践和英语语言学,曾发表论文30余篇,主编或独立编写英语专业教材10余种,包括《英汉汉英翻译教程》,普通高等教育“十五”国家级规划教材、新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材《综合教程》(第二、六册),曾获国家教委优秀教材二等奖。
Unit One
TEXT A:Maya:away from crowds
TEXT B:西双版纳之行
Unit Two
TEXT A:Ecotorism
TEXT B:中国促进世界旅游业的发展
Unit Three
TEXT A:Is More Growth Really Better?
TEXT B:知识经济
Unit Four
TEXT A:Franchise Alternative
TEXT B:投资美国
Unit Five
TEXT A:The Voyages of Columbus
TEXT B:中国近代史的开端
Unit Six
TEXT A:Winning Respect
TEXT B:中国与奥林匹克运动
Unit Seven
TEXT A:Agriculture in Canada
TEXT B:科技对农业的贡献
Unit Eight
TEXT A:The Industrial Revolution in the United States
TEXT B:圆了中国家庭的买车梦
Unit Nine
TEXT A:The US-Europe Divide
TEXT B:中国独立自主的和平外交政策
Unit Ten
TEXT A:The Death(and Birth)of Europe
TEXT B:中日利益交汇点何在?
Unit Eleven
TEXT A:Healthcare Reform
TEXT B:我国为9亿农民提供医疗保障
Unit Twelve
TEXT A:The New Three Rs
TEXT B:远程教育
Unit Thirteen
TEXT A:Origins of Christmas
TEXT B:1 春节 2 端午节
Unit Fourteen
TEXT A:The threatened Environment
TEXT B:我们污染了空气
Unit Fifteen
TEXT A:Inside the Animal Mind
TEXT B:载人飞船
Unit Sixteen
TEXT A:Don't Blame DNA
TEXT B:理性对待克隆人
Maya:Away from Crowds Central America is home to many secret treasuresfor tourists who like to avoid the crowds, including numerous ancient Maya settlements. The seven countries of Central America——Guatemala,Panama, Belize,Honduras, El Salvador.Nicaragua and Costa Rica——are full of natural beauty and cultural treasures.Many of the region,s nature reserves.ancient Maya settlements and colonial cities have been declared world cultural heritage。sites by the United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization. There are lots of volcanoes and an exotic animal kingdom to explore,yet few people outside the region know of them.The view into the crater of the Masaya Volcano in Nicaragua is a breathtaking experience,enlivened by the accompanying strong smell of sulphur and the loud screaming of parrots.Yet the Car park on the edge of the crater is nearly empty.This is a boon for daring travelers who can enjoy all the beauty without having to share it with hordes of others visitors. E1 Salvador has a"road of flowers"and Nicaragua has a"road of white villages"connecting villages from the colonial period.Honduras is developing a means of connecting the native American communitieS in the Atlantic coast from the Garifuna,descendents of the Carribean Indians and Africans.to the Miskito Indians in the jungle. Geological enthusiasts could also follow a volcanic trail through Central America."There are many volcanoes in iust a small area,some with perfectly cone-shaped peaks constantly emitting smoke from their craters.Some of them are partially accessible. A bus travels t0 the edge of the Masaya craters in Nicaragua,an active volcano just 500 meters high.For safety reasons,every traveler should get local information from the local tourism authority before climbing a volcano. The Arenal Volcano in northern Costa Rica terrified local inhabitants and tourists in August 2000 when it spouted hot gas and ash.