
出版时间:2004-06-01  出版社:外文出版社  作者:勒贝夫,景黎明  


  World Talk,Common Errors in English From A to Z is for indiiduals who want to improve theri English and to communicate with accuracy,ease and style.Anyone who loves English will find this book a valuable reference tool.  From decades of teaching and proofreading expoerience,the authors have identified these common errors in English and offered clear explanations of how to correct them.The authors have also provided advice and many humorous examples.  Some connonly noted errors in the book are even confusing to native speakers.In informal speech,these errors many not be noticed.But in formal English,please follow the grammar rules.  This book is an excellent combination of practical suggestions and examples for anyone who is serious about avoiding errors when using English.


  编者:(美国)丹尼斯·勒贝夫   丹尼斯·勒贝夫 Dennis Le Boeuf,1952年生于美国,北密西根大学教育硕士,美国执证教师。录过许多广播和电视的英语学习节目,裨益无数莘莘学子,亦曾在中国和台湾教授英语。他与景黎明女士合着的作品计有The Best Children’s English Songs、The Best English Songs 9、《生活英语 Small Talk》(World Talk, Small Talk),以及《读鹅妈妈歌谣学英语》(World Talk, New Mother Goose)。  景黎明 Liming Jing,生于1955年,四川省成都人,四川大学英语硕士。曾任四川师范大学英语副教授,并曾获得四川省英语教学成果奖和翻译奖。现为专业翻译及作家。作品有《高高飞出西藏山谷》(Flying High out of a Tibetan Valley)。译着有米兰.昆德拉(Milan Kundera)的《生活在他方》(Life Is Elsewhere)和《玩笑》(The Joke)、伊凡.克里玛(Ivan Klima)的《我快乐的早晨》(My Merry Mornings),以及亚历山大.索忍尼辛(Alexander Solzhenitsyn)的《第一圈》(The First Circle)等多部作品。


AcknowledgmentsIntroductionAEercises 1 & 2BEercises 3 & 4CEercises 5 & 6DEercises 7 & 8EEercises 9 & 10FEercises 11 & 12GEercises 13 & 14HEercises 15 & 16IEercises 17 & 18JKLEercises 19 & 20MNEercises 21 & 22OPEercises 23 & 24QREercises 25 & 26SEercises 27 & 28TEercises 29 & 30UVWYZEercises 1 & 2TestAnswersGolssaryIndex




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