出版时间:2008-1 出版社:外文出版社 作者:老子 页数:159 译者:王柯平
Lao Zi iS considered the founder of early Daoism(Taoism)and studied worldwide.As has been ob-served by both oriental and occidental readers(e.g.Hegel),the ideas of Lao Zi tend to be more philo-sophical in the pure sense of this term when com-pared with those of his contemporaries in China.Itis commonly acknowledged that Lao ZiS philoso-phizing is one of the main sources underlying thestructure or formation of the overall psychology ofthe Chinese people
AcknowledgementsPrefaceDao De JingAppendix:A Thematic Readinq Guide
Oneisalarmedwheninreceiptoffavorordisgrace. One has great trouble because of ones body thathehas. What is meant by being alarmed by favor ordisgrace? Favor is regarded as superior,and disgrace asinferior. One is alarmed When one receives them And equally alarmed when one loses them. Thisiswhatismeantbybeingalarmedbyfavorordisgrace. What is meant by having great trouble because ofthe body? The reasonwhyIhavegreattroubleisthatIhaveabody. If I had nobody, Wmat trouble could I have? Hence he who values the world similarly as he val-Deshisbody Canbeentrustedwiththeworld.