出版时间:2005-1 出版社:Foreign Language Press 作者:Wang Anyi 页数:318 译者:戴乃迭
王安忆 (1954~),当代女作家。祖籍福建同安,生于江苏南京。1955年随母茹志鹃迁居上海。1969年初中毕业。1970年赴安徽插队。1972年考入江苏徐州地区文工团。1978年回上海任《儿童时代》编辑,后任中国作协理事、作协上海分会专业作家。1975年冬开始发表作品,1980年发
The DestinationAnd the Rain Patters on Life in a Small CourtyardThe Stage,a Miniature WorldBetween ThemselvesLapse of TimeMiaomiao
BICYCLES sounding their bells shuttled in and out of the lane ,a two-way lane used as a thoroughfare. It was lined with smart modern houses, but at one end people had built many shacks .None of these had gas installed, so firewood crackled and smok ebelched as they lit their stoves. A boy seated in front of one smoky stove was eating pot stickers. First he ate the pastry, keeping back the meat stuffing. He put those pitifully small meatballs in the bottom of a large bowl, then ate them one by one. "Did you never eat meat in your last life?" swore Grandad.Grandad was eating a big bowl of thick gruel. The boy chomped the meat stuffing. "That child chomps like a pig," said Granny, across the way. She was lighting her stove, her tattered fan wafting up wreaths of black smoke. "Ive not stinted him of meat. The wretch must have starved to death in his last life!" Grandad angrily rapped his chopsticks on the back of the boys head. Ducking. the boy chomoed more loudly.