
出版时间:2002-05  出版社:Foreign Languages Press  作者:Wang Qijun,Jia Xianfeng  页数:107  


In prehistoric times, dwellings were crude, and tended to be similar in design the world over; they differed only in the availability of local building materials and the topography they had to adapt to。   As the techniques of production improved, the styles of clothing, cuisine, transportation, etc。 of different peoples gradually took on their own national colors and cultural characteristics。 The same was true for the shelters that people built to dwell in, and a wide diversity of styles formed all over the world。 Chinese residences, in particular, occupy a unique place in the history of world architecture。 Color Illustrations。


The Development of Traditional Chinese Residences  The Artistic Features of Traditional Chinese Residences Proper Layout:The void Accompanied by the Solid Tranquil Interior Surrounded by Solid Walls  Displaying a picturesque Tone Simplicity Elegance and Connection Between Exterior and Interior Tasteful Decoration in Bright Colors Poetic and Melodious Beauty  Poetic and Melodious BeautyMajor Architectural Forms of Traditional Chinese Residences The Courtyard Houses of Beijing  Residences in Qixian County,Shanxi Province     Cave Dwellings     Residential Buildings in Southern Anhui Province  Residential Buildings in the Southern Region of Rivers and Lakes  Red—brick Dwellings in Quanzhou    Earthen Buildings in Fujian Province  Fortified Compound in Southern Jiangxi Province     The U—shaped Compounds of the Hakka    Fortified B uildings in Kaiping    Flagstone Buildings in Guizhou Province    Residential Buildings of the Koreans     Mongolian Yurts  Residential Buildings of the Uygurs  Houses on Stilts  Residential B uildings in Lij iang  The Houses of the Bai     Tibetan Fortified Manor Houses     Appendix Locations of Major Types of Chinese Residences




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