
出版时间:2002-08  出版社:外文出版社  作者:刘国彬  


Unit 1 The summner holidays
Unit 2 In the lab
Unit 3 American English
Unit 4 Travel
Unit 5 Why do you do that?
Unit 6 A new factory
Unit 7 Earthquakes
Unit 8 Mainly revision
Unit 9 Computers
Unit 10 Sports
Unit 11 Coontry music
Unit 12 English programmes
Unit 13 Abraham Lincoln
Unit 14 Mainly revision
Unit 15 Healthy eating
Unit 16 Fire
Unit 17 Nature
Unit 18 The necklace
Unit 19 Jobs
Unit 20 Mainly revision
Unit 21 Karl Marx
Unit 22 Britain and Ireland
Unit 23 Rescuing the temple
Unit 24 The science of farming
Unit 25 At the conference
Unit 26 Mainly revision



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