
出版时间:2002-1  出版社:外文出版社  作者:白寿彝  页数:803  


China is a country with a long history and ancient civilization.Over the past 50 centuries,it has created an extensive and profound civilization,as well as a varied and colorful cultural herigatge.An Outling History of China gives brief introduction to the long historical course of development of China from ancient times up to the founding of the People's Repbulic of China in 1949.The book first gives an outline of contemporary Chinese geography,population,ethnicity and history.It then describes ancient human activities,and the social and historyical meanings of ancient mythologies,and the social and historical meanings of ancient mythologies and legends,and gives a concise account of the rise and fall of the Xia,Shang,Zhou,Qin,Han,Wei,Jin Sui,Tang,Son,Yuan,Ming and Qing dynasties.There follow,in detail or in brief,as appropriate,introductions to the politics,economy,military affairs,culture,laws,invention,cultural relics,etiquette and customs,relationships between classes and ethnic guoups in China,and between China and foreign conutries,plus an enlightening description of the country's modern social reforms.There is an index at the bacd of the book for convenience of reference.    This book is aimed at foreign university students,and readers at or above college leve.    作者简介:    Bai Shouyi(1909-2000)was born in Kaifeng,Henan Province and Educated at Zhongshan and YanJing undiversities.Beginning his teaching career in 1939,he taught for more than 40 years,first at Najjing University,thean at Najjing University and later at Beijing Teachers University where he served as head of both the Department of History and the Instiure of History.    Professor Bai's many-sided academic interests are reflected in the courses he taught on suth subjects the general historigraphy,historyical materialism,a general history of China.


Chapter Ⅰ Introduction  1.A Land of 9600000Square Kilometres  2.Fifty-six Ethnic Groups and a Population of More Than 1000000000  3.1700000Years and 3600YearsChapter Ⅱ Traces of Remote Antiquity  1.From Yuanmou Man to Peking Man:the Making of Tools and the Use of Fire  2.Dingcun(Tingtsun)Man and Upper Cave Man:the Improvement of Tools and the Emergence of Ornaments  3.The Yangshao Culure and Its Matriarchal Communes  4.The Patriarchal Clan Society of the Longshan CuluteChapter Ⅲ Myth and Legend  1.The Legends of Ancient Tribes  2.Tribel Chiefs,Gods and Their Son  3.The Hereditary Monarchy of the Xia DynastyChapter Ⅳ The Slave State of the Shang and Zhou Dynasties  1.The Earliest Written History  2.The Slave-owning Shang Dynasty  3.The Social Econoy of the Shang Dynasty  4.The Rise of the Zhou and the Establishment of the Slaveowing Zhou Dynasty  5.Ecnomic Development Under Zhou Slavery  6.The Zhou Dynasty from Prosperity to DeclineChapter Ⅴ The Early Eastern Zhou,Spring and Autumm,and Warring States Periods:Transition from Slavery to Feudaism  1.The Early Easten Zhou and the Spring and Autumn Period:Contention for Supremacy Aomy the Majory States  ……Chapter Ⅵ The Oin and Han Dynasties:the Growth of Feudel SocietyChapter Ⅶ The Three Kingdoms,the Jin,the Southern and Northern Dynasties,the Sui and Tang:the Earlier Period of Ascendancy of Chinese FeuadlismChapterⅧ The Five Dynasties,the Song and the Yuan:the Later Period of Ascendancy of Chinese FeudalismChapterⅨ The Ming-Qing Period:the Twilight of FeudalismChapterⅩ Semi-Colonial and Semi-Feudal Scoiett:the Old Democratic RevolutionChapterⅪ The Continuation of the Semi-Colonial and Semi Feudal Society and the New-Democratic Revolution



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