大学英语自学导读.泛读 第3册

出版时间:1997-06  出版社:外文出版社  作者:唐义均  




Unit One
1.Reading for A' s
l.Why Not Speed Up Your Reading?
3.Romantic Roundabout
Unit Two
4.The Lucky Archaeologist
5.News of the Engagement
6.The Story of Jazz
Unit Three
7.The Experiences of a Chinese Immigrant,l880 - 1903
8.How to Guess Your Age
9.The Sixth Sense
Unit Four
10.Long Walk to Forever
11.Father and Son
12.Never Trust Appearances
Unit Five
13.1 Thought about This Girl
14.The Gift of Understanding
15. A Horrible Experience
Unit Six
16.Exercise and Health (I )
17.Exercise and Health (II )
18.My Sixth Christmas
Unit Seven
19.The Sacrifice at Masada
20.Covered Wagon Days
21.Education? Computer, Naturally?
Unit Eight
22. Living as a Navajo
23.Picnic in the Dining-Room
24.The Model Millionairc
Unit Nine
25.Make Today Count
26.Should( We Allow Curiosity to Kill the Cat?
27.Discovery of a Father
Unit Ten
28.The Most Unforgettable Character 1' ve Met
29.Passing Trains
Key to Summnaries
Appendix I(语法结构)
Appendix II (词汇表)
Appendix III (词组表)



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