出版时间:1998-01-01 出版社:外文出版社 作者:Wang Sheng,Wang Weidong
As an important component of traditional Chinese medicine,the therapies applied to the hand——hand therapy——are a groupof unique therapeutic methods developed by medical specialistsand common people in China through their medical practice,productive activity, and daily lives for hundreds of years. According to the meridian theory of traditional Chinesemedicine, the hand is closely connected through meridians withthe skin, blood vessels, muscles, ligaments, bones, and internalorgans of the body. Pathological disease in patients is ret'lectedon their hands; and the stimulating and therapeutic effects ofmassage, acupuncture, herbal bath, and qigong can be transmit-ted through meridians to adjust and stimulate potential energy,immunity, resistance to disease, and physical well-being tomaintain health and prolong life. Hand therapy can be easily practiced and widely applied totreat many diseases, often with good therapeutic results, andwithout toxic side effects. These therapies have found favoramong vast numbers of patients over the years. To help foreignreaders understand, learn, and practice this unique hand thera-py, the compilers reviewed a large amount of ancient andmodern medical literature in China, and have collected theuseful experience of specialists in this field to systematicallyoresent the sum of this beneficial knowledge.
《手疗治百病(英文)》主要内容简介:In traditional Chinese medicine, the hand can be used to diagnose diseases because pathological information is reflected on the hand. This method can also be used to prevent and treat diseases, improve life quality, and maintain health by applying various types of stimulation to specific areas of the hand. This is not a fantasy. The hand as a part of the body lies in a common environment with other structures and has a close relationship with the body'sinternal organs. Hand therapy is simple and easy to practice and safe and reliable for obtaining good therapeutic effects for a wide variety of diseases.Hand Therapy: Traditional Chinese Remedies in the Traditional Chinese Medical Therapies is compiled by experienced traditional medicine specialists.This book discusses the origins, development, characteristics, and indications of hand therapy as well as common methods of hand massage, handacupuncture, hand bath, and hand qigong used to treat various medical, surgical, gynecological, pediatric and ENT diseases. It is concise, practical, written with ease and grace, and includes 50 illustrations. This book is meant to satisfy the needs of medical workers and average readers alike to understand, learn, and practice this unique hand therapy, created and developed over many years in China.
Chapter 1INTRODUCTION1. Origin and Development of Hand Therapy2. Hand Therapy Indications, Characteristics, and PrecautionsChapter 2COMMON ACUPOINTS FOR HAND THERAPYChapter 3COMMON HAND THERAPY METHODS1. Hand Therapy Massage2. Hand Therapy Acupuncture3. Hand Therapy Using Hand Bath4. Hand Therapy Using Hand Qigong5. Hand Therapy Using Miscellaneous MethodsChapter 4TREATMENT OF COMMON DISEASES1. Medical Diseases1. Common cold2. Cough3. Shortness of breath4. Asthma5. Heart palpitations6. Bi-syndrome of chest7. Stomachache8. Hiccups9. Vomiting10. Dysphagia11. Abdominal pain12. Dysentery13. Diarrhea14. Constipation15. Costal pain16. Abdominal mass17. Lumbago18. Retention of urine19. Incontinence of urine20. Emission of semen21. Impotence22. Insomnia23. Diabetes meUitus24. Vertigo25. Cerebral apoplexy26. Muscular atrophy27. Epilepsy28. Psychosis29. Dementia30. Shock31. Bi-syndrome32. Numbness33. Tetany34. Headache35. Febrile diseases36. Malaria37. Heat stroke2. Dermatological and Surgical Conditions1. Stiff neck2. Furuncle3. Tuberculosis of cervical lymph nodes4. Acute mastitis5. Herpes zoster6. Eczema7. Urticaria8. Neurodermatitis9. Tinea manuum3. Gynecological Diseases1. Dysmenorrhea2. Menstrual headache3. Amenorrhea4. Postpartum bleeding shock5. Postpartum convulsions6. Body pain after childbirth7. Oligogalactia8. Infertility in women9. Abdominal mass4. Pediatric Diseases1. Convulsions2. Anorexia3. Stagnation of food4. Indigestive malnutrition5. Poliomyelitis6. Retardation of development7. General weakness8. Scleroderma in newborns5. Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose, and Oral Cavity1. Tinnitus and deafness2. Nasal obstruction3. Atrophic rhinitis4. Toothache5. Acute laryngitis6. Sore throat7. Deviation of mouth8. Myopia9. Pseudomembranous conjunctivitis10. Scleritis11. Paralytic strabismus12. Glaucoma13. Optic nerve atrophy14. Drooping upper eyelid
插图:In the ancient classic medical book the Yellow Emperor'sInternal Classic, which was published during the Spring andAutumn and Warring States periods (770-221 B.C.), there aredescriptions of the use of meridians and acupoints of the handto diagnose and treat diseases. This shows that hand therapy isat least more than 2,000 years old. Along with the increase of clinical practice and the accumu-lation of medical knowledge, and especially with the devel-opment of acupuncture, tuina (traditional Chinese massage),qigong and the use of medicinal herbs, the contents of handtherapy have greatly been enriched and expanded. The theoretical basis of hand therapy is the meridian theory.Together with meridian theory and acupuncture practice, thefunctions of meridians and regular, extra, and special acupointsof the hand have been summarized and discussed in Chinesemedical literature throughout different historical eras. Themodern homographic theory of biology also substantiates thetheories of hand therapy. The development of tuina has also added to the contents ofhand massage. In the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic, theearliest tools of Chinese massage, such as round-tip needles andspoon needles, were first mentioned. The first book on tuina waspublished in the Qin and Han dynasties (221 B.C.-A.D. 220)2,000 years ago. Since then, tuina has had a continuous devel-ooment and has been soread to Jaoan. Korea. and India.