
出版时间:1996-12  出版社:外文出版社  作者:(英)瓦莱丽.伊美沃斯  




作者:(英国)瓦莱丽•伊美沃斯(Valerie Lllingworth V.)


PREFACE NOTES DICTIONARY OF PHYSICS Table 1:Conversion Factors Table 2:Base SI Units Table 3:Prefixes used with SI units Tahie 4:Derived SI units with Special Names Table 5:Fundamental Constants Table 6:Spectrum of Electromagnetic Radiation Table 7:Long-Lived Elementary Particles Table 8:Periodic Table of the Elements Table 9:Symbols for Physical Quantities Table 10:Symbols used in Electronics Table 11:The Greek Alphahet


版权页:   插图:   cold fusion Nuelcar fosion occurring atnormal temperatures.rather than at thehigh temperatures necessary to overcomeelectrostatic repulsive forees between nu-clei There have been two main approacbes to producing fusion at lowtemperatures.One is an electrolyticmethod;it has been suggested that.under certain conditions,electrolysis ofdeuterium oxide using a palladium cathode can produce low-temperature nuclear fusion Deuterium ions hberated atthe cathode are absorbed in the crystallattice of the electrode,where they areforced together,thus overcoming the repulsive electrostatic force. However,claims that high-energy outputs usingthis method have been obtained havenot been reproduced;the necessarv output of neutrons for a genuine fusion reaction has not been detected. The other approach to cold fusion hasbeen to shield one of the deuteriumatoms by binding it with a negativemuon In this technique a muonreplaces an electron in a deuteriumatom Because the muon is 207 timesheavier than the electron,the resultingmuonic atom of deuterium is muchsmaller and is able to approach anotherdeuterium atom more closely.allowingnuclear fusion to occur.The muon isthen released to form another muonicatom,and so on;i.e.the muon acts as acatalyst for the fusion reaction.Oneproblem with this approach is the shortlifetime of the muon,Which restricts thenumber of fusion reactions it can catalyse cold trap A tube,cooled with liquid air,or dry-ice(frozen carbon dioxide)in acetone,that will condense vapour passinginto it. collective excitations Quamized modesin a many-body system that arise whencooperative motion of the system as awhole is considered.This type of excitation arises as a result of the interactions between particles Plasmons andphonons in sohds are examples of collective excitations.Collective excitationsobey Bose-Einstein statistics(see quantum statistics).





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