
出版时间:1996-10  出版社:外文出版社  作者:L.A.希尔  






Introduction Phonetic symbols Sound examples to use for practice Abbreviations Grammatical markers used in full Style markers used in full The dictionary Appendices 1 Irregular verbs 2 Common affixes and roots 3 Punctuation 4 The family 5 Geographical names 6 Numbers 7 Times and dates 8 Money 9 Weights and measures 10 Mathematical signs and symbols 11 Ranks in the armed forces


版权页:   take (a play etc) (from another country, language etc) and fit it to other needs: His book has now been adapted for television.a,depta'billty u.n (often the -- ot s.o/s.t to s.t)fact or quality of (s.o/s.t) being adaptable (to s.t). a'deptebie adj who/that can adapt(1) s.t or be adapted (easily). adaptation/n 1 u.n (often -- (of s.t) to s.t) act or fact of (s.t) adapting or being adapted (to s.t, e.g a new climate). 2 c.n thing that has (been) adapted. a'depter/c.n (also a'daptor) person or thing who/that adapts (s.t): an adapter that allows one to use an English plug(3) in an American socket. ADC/,ei di: 'si:/c.n abbraide-de-camp. add /tr.v (often -- s.t to s.t) put (s.t) with s.t else to produce a larger number or amount of it. add s.t and s.t together put two or more things together. add up (a) increase in quantity,value etc: If you save regularly every month it soon addsup. ( b ) (informal) make sense: She was once happy and now suddenly she's very sad -- it just doesn't add up. add s.t up find the total of s.t: If you add 5, 7 and 8 up, you get 20. addition/n 1 u.n act or fact of adding (s.t). 2 c.n thing that is added or joined to s.t. In addition (to s.o/s.t) including; as well (as s.o/s.t). ad'ditional adj extra; that has been added to s.t:additional information: ad'dltlonally adv. additive/c.n substance that one adds in small amounts to s.t else to improve its taste,colour etc: food/petrol additives. adder/c.n kind of small poisonous snake found in Europe etc; viper(1). addlct c.n person who has an addiction to s.t, esp a drug(2).






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  •   1996年一版一印,現已絕版。詞條數不到五萬,屬中初階詞典,釋義精準,例句尚多,水準屬高階。更重要的是,上世紀的詞典編纂,一靠個人學養的豐厚積累,二靠個性化而彰顯,相比現今的電腦庫存和篩選,多了艱辛和深思,少了時尚和流俗。其實,流行的未必長久,更未必經典,老樹新枝,萬變不離其宗,作為學生,作為專業餘古典文化和文學愛好者,基礎詞彙、核心詞彙、經典詞彙的理解和運用還是根本的,新詞有來由,老詞常新用,所以,一味追新,過分燒錢,實不可取。就此打住,書商可要怪罪了。Julius Rowe
  •   这是一部三十二开,轻便,收词量大,例句多,适宜于在电脑旁使用的全英文词典。本词典的例句地道,不是那种用两三千个基本词生造的例句。
  •   词量倒是不多,4万吧。但是例句不少,解释很清楚。老词典了,1996年印刷的,也不贵,可以买一本参考。
  •   这个价格超值 就是字太小
  •   很好的词典,怎么就没流行啊。绝版了。这书要是纸张薄点,就完美了。
  •   不错的词典,在一般水准以上,只比牛津高阶第三版略逊一筹,与牛津第四版差不多但词条划分更清晰,唯一遗憾的是没有插图。中阶以下学习者不推荐。本子还很小巧,携带还方便,字也不小。

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