
出版时间:1980-1  出版社:外文出版社  作者:罗贯中  页数:1605  译者:沙博理  




作者:(明代)罗贯中 (明代)施耐庵 译者:沙博理施耐庵,生平不详,一般认为是元末明初钱塘人。 罗贯中,生活在元末明初,大约在一三三零到一四零零年间,他所写的小说很多,相传有数十种,现在留存的,除《三国演义》外,还有《隋唐志传》、《残唐五代史演义》和《三遂平妖传》等。他又能词曲。所作的杂剧,除现存的《赵太祖龙虎风云会》以外,尚有《忠正孝子连环谏》、《三平章死哭蜚虎子》等二种。


Translator's NoteONEZhang the Divine Teacher Prays to Dispel a Plague;Marshal Hong Releases Demons by MistakeTWOArms Instructor Wang Goes Secretly to Yanan Prefecture; Nine Dragons Shi Jin Wreaks Havoc in Shi Family VillageTHREEMaster Shi Leaves Huayin County at Night;Major Lu Pummels the Lord of the WestFOURSagacious Lu Puts Mount Wutai in an Uproar;Squire Zhao Repairs Wenshu MonasteryFIVEDrunk, the Little King Raises the Gold-Spangled Bed Curtairis; Lu the Tattooed Monk Throws Peach Blossom Village into ConfusionSIXNine Dragons Shi Jin Robs in Red Pine Forest;Sagacious Lu Burns Down Waguan MonasterySEVENThe Tattooed Monk Uproots a Willow Tree;Lin Chong Enters White Tiger Inner Sanctum by MistakeEIGHTArms Instructor Lin Is Tattooed and Exiled to Cangzhou; Sagacious Lu Makes a Shambles of Wild Boar ForestNINEChai Jin Keeps Open House for All Bold Men;Lin Chong Defeats Instructor Hong in a Bout with StavesTENLin Chong Shelters from the Snowstorm in the Mountain Spirit Temple; Captain Lu Qian Sets Fire to the Fodder DepotELEVENZhu Gui Shoots a Signal Arrow from the Lakeside Pavilion; Lin Chong Climbs Mount Langshan in the Snowy NightTWELVELin Chong Joins the Bandits in Liangshan Marsh;Yang Zhi Sells His Sword in the Eastern CapitalTHIRTEENThe Blue-Faced Beast Battles in the Northerri Capital;Urgent Vanguard Vies for Honors on the Training FieldFOURTEENRed-Haired Demon Lies Drunk in Lingguan Temple;Chao the Heavenly King Acknowledges a "Nephew" in East Bank VillageFIFTEENWu Yong Persuades the Three Ruan Brothers to Join;Gongsun Sheng Becomes One of the Righteous SevenSIXTEENYang Zhi Escorts a Convoy of Precious Goods;Wu Yong by a Ruse Captures the Birthday GiftsSEVENTEENThe Tattooed Monk Assaults Two-Dragon Mountain Alone; With the Blue-Faced Beast He Takes Precious Pearl MonasteryEIGHTEENSong Jiang Secretly Helps Ward Chief Chao Flee;Beautiful Beard Cleverly Fools the Winged TigerNINETEENLin Chong Stirs Internal Strife in the Water-Girt Stronghold; Chao Gai Wins a Battle in Liangshan MarshTWENTYThe Men of Liangshan Marsh Make Chao Gai Their Chief; Liu Tang Leaves Yuncheng Town on a Moonlit NightTWENTY-ONEDrunk, the Old Bawd Beats Tang the Ox;Song Jiang Slays Poxi in a Fit of AngerTWENTY-TWOMistress Yan Raises a Row at the County Office;Constable Zhu Tong Gallantly Lets Song Jiang EscapeTWENTY-THREELord Chai Accommodates Guests in Henghai County;Wu Song Kills a Tiger on Jingyang RidgeTWENTY-FOURFor Money.Mistress Wang Arranges a Seduction;In Anger Yunge Riots in the Tea-ShopTWENTY-FIVEMistress Wang Instigates Ximen Qing;The Adulterous Wife Poisons Wu the ElderTWENTY-SIXCoroner He Steals Bones from the Funeral Pyre;Wu Song Offers Heads as Memorial SacrificesTWENTY-SEVENThe Witch of Mengzhou Road Sells Drugged Wine;Constable Wu Meets Zhang Qing at Crossroads RiseTWENTY-EIGHTWu Song's Prestige Shakes Anping Stockade;Shi En Retakes Happy GroveTWENTY-NINEWu Song, Drunk, Beats Jiang the Gate Guard Giant;Shi En Once More Controls His Mengzhou EstablishmentTHIRTYShi En Three Times Enters the Condemned Cell;Wu Song Goes Wild at Flying-Cloud Ponds……


"How much for the two?""We don't bargain.  You can have them at rock-bottomfive ounces of silver for both.""It's a deal. If you do a good job, rll give you more."The smith accepted the silver. "We'll start right away.""I have some small change here.  Come out and have a bowl of wine with me.""Excuse me, Reverend.  I must get on with my work.  I can't keep you company."Sagacious Lu left the ironsmith's. Before he had gone thirty paces, he saw a wine shop banner sticking out from the eaves of a house.  He raised the hanging door screen, entered the shop, sat down, and pounded on the table."Bring wine," he shouted.The proprietor came up to him.  "Forgive me, Reverend. My shop and investment money all are borrowed from the monastery.  The abbot has a rule for us tavern keepers. If any of us sells wine to a monk, he takes back the money and drives us out of our premises. Don't hold it against me.""All I want is a little wine. I won't say I bought it here.""Impossible. Please try some place else. I'm sorry."Lu rose to his feet.  "If another place serves me, I'll have something to say to you laterl"He left the wine shop and walked on.  Soon he saw another wine flag suspended over a doorway.  He went in, sat down and called:"Wine, host.  Be quick.""How can you be so ignorant, Reverend?" the tavern keeper demanded.  "You must know the abbot's rules.  Do you want to ruin me?"Sagacious insisted on being served, but the tavern keeper was adamant. Lu had no choice but to leave. He went to four or five more wine shops. All refused to serve him."If I don't think of something, rll never get any wine," he  said to himself.  At the far end of the market-place he sawamid blossoming apricot trees a small house from which a bundle of broom straw was hanging.  He came closer and found it was a little wine shop.  Lu went in and sat down by the window."Host," he called, "bring wine for a wandering monk."The rustic owner came over and scrutinized him.  "Where are you from, Reverend?""I'm a travelling monk who's just passing through.  I want some wine.""If you're from the Mount Wutai monastery, I'm not allowed to sell you any.""I'm not. Now bring on the wine."Lu's appearance and manner of speaking struck the rustic owner as odd. "How much do you want?""Never mind about that. Just keep bringing it by the bowl ful."Lu consumed ten big bowls of wine. "Have you any meat?"he asked.  "I want a platter.""I had some beef earlier in the day," said the proprietor, "but it's all sold out."Sagacious caught a whiff of the fragrance of cooking meat. He went into the yard and found a dog boiling in an earthenware pot by the compound wall."You've got dog meat," he said.  "Why won't you sell me any?""I thought as a monk you wouldn't eat it, so I didn't ask.""I've plenty of money here." Lu pulled out some silver and handed it over.  "Bring me half."The proprietor cut off half the dog carcass and placed it on the table with a small dish of garlic sauce.  Lu tore into it delightedly with both hands.  At the same time he consumed another ten bowls of wine.  He found the wine very agreeable and kept calling for more. The shop owner was dumbfounded."That's enough, monk," he urged.Lu glared at him.  "I'm paying for what I drink.  Who's asking you to interfere?""How much more do you want?"






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  •   以半价买到该书,超值!
  •   装订的不错,还是插图版的。至于书的内容还没看,但是大致翻了一下感觉还不错。三本书一共近两千页了。 不过也不知道是不是与原著有删减的东西。但愿不要删吧。
  •   The book is translated by Shapiro. The translation is excellent. The paper is ok, the cover is rather beautiful. Good book and great book.

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