
出版时间:1994  出版社:Foreign Languages Press  作者:Luo Guanzhong  页数:1680  


  Luo Guanzhong Translatcd from the Chlncsc with Notes and an Afterword byMOSS ROBERTS Foreword byJOHN S. SERVICE"T he empire, long divided, must unite;long united, must divide. Thus it hascvcr been." With this characterization of theincvitable cycle ofChinese history, themonumental tale Three Kingdoms begins. Asimportant for Chinese culture as the Homericepics have bcen for the West, this Mingdynasty masterpiece continues to be read andloved throughout China as well as in Japan,Korca, and Vietnam. The novel offers astartling and unsparing view of how power iswiclded, how diplomacy is conducted, andhow wars are planned and fought; it hasinfiucnced the ways that Chinese think aboutpowcr, diplomacy, and war even to this day.Three Kingdoms portrays a fateful momentat thc end of the Han dynasty (206 B.C.-A.D.220) when the future of the Chinese empirelay in the balance. Writing morc than amillennium later, Luo Guanzhong drew onoftcn-told tales of this turbulent period tofashion a sophisticatcd, compelling narrative,whose characters display vivid individualityand epic grandeur.The story begins when the emperorfearing uprisings by peasant rebels known aathe Yellow Scarves, scnds an urgent appeal tothe provinces for popular support. Inresponse, three young men-thc aristocraticLiu Xuande, the fugitive Lord Guan, and thepig-butcher Zhang Fei-meet to pledgeetemal brotherhood and fealty to theirbeleaguered government. From thesc eventscomes a chain of cause and consequence thatleads ultimately to the collapse of the Han.Moss Robertss new translation providesfor the first time an authoritative, annotatedEnglish-language version of this great andenduring work of world literature. A Centennial Book Luo Guanzhong ( 1330?-1400?) was a novelistand dramatist who played an important rolein the devclopment of Chincsc popularfiction.Moss Robcrts is Profcssor of Chincse at NewYork Univcrsity. He has publishcd anahridgted translation of Three Kingdoms( Pantheon 1976 ) and is thc translator ofChinesc Fairy Tales and Fantasies ( Pantheon1979).John S. Scrvicc, the son ofan Amcricanmissionary, was born in China and was aForfign Scrvice offieer therc from 1933 to1945. He is a Fellow at thc Center fur ChincseStudies at the Univcrsity ufCalifornia,Berkeley, and is an authority on Chineseeulture and politics. He is also the cditor ofGolden lnches: the China Memoir of Graceseruice (California 1989 ).


罗贯中(约1330—约1400),汉族,名本,字贯中,号湖海散人。山西太原人,一说钱塘(现在浙江杭州)或庐陵(现在江西吉安)人。元末明初著名小说家、戏曲家,是中国章回小说的鼻祖。一生著作颇丰,主要作品有:剧本《赵太祖龙虎风云会》《忠正孝子连环谏》、《三平章死哭蜚虎子》;小说《隋唐两朝志传》《残唐五代史演义》《三遂平妖传》《粉妆楼》、和施耐庵合著的《水浒传》、代表作《三国演义》等。  罗贯中生于元末明初的封建王朝时代。作为与“倡优”、“妓艺”为伍的戏曲平话作家,当时被视为勾栏瓦舍的下九流,正史不可能为他写经作传。惟一可看到的是一位明代无名氏编著的一本小册子《录鬼簿续编》,上写:“罗贯中,太原人,号湖海散人。与人寡合,乐府隐语,极为清新。与余为忘年交,遭时多故,天各一方。至正甲辰复会,别来又六十余年,竟不知其所终。”  但从罗贯中的传世之作《三国演义》中,体现出罗贯中的博大精深之才,经天纬地之气。他精通军事学、心理学、智谋学、公关学、人才学……如果没有超人的智慧,丰富的实践,执著的追求,何以能成为这般全才?他主张国家统一,热爱中华民族,弘扬民族传统美德,痛恨奸诈邪恶。


List of MapsAcknowledgementsForewordBy John S. ServiceThree KingdomsA Historical Novel/1Afterword: About Three KingdomsBy Moss Roberts/1459Afterword: Notes/1528Principal Characters in Three Kingdoms/1539Chronology of Main Events in Three Kingdoms/1545Titles, Terms, and Offices in Three Kingdoms/1551Abbreviations/1555Notes to Three Kingdoms/1557


So swearing, Xuande became the eldest brother; Lord Guan, thesecond; and Zhang Fei, the youngest. After the ceremonies theybutchered the bull and spread forth a feast in the peach garden forthe three hundred local youths they had recruited; and all drank to their heart's content.   The next day they collected weapons, but they wanted forhorses. Two visitors whose servants were driving a herd of horses toward Zhang Fei's farm provided the solution. "This must mean that Heaven is with us," said Xuande as the three brothers went forth to greet the men, Zhang Shiping and Su Shuang, two weak hytraders from Zhong shan. Every year, they said, they went north to sell horses; but this year they had had to turn back because of the Yellow Scarves. Xuande invited them to the farm, where he set outwine and entertained them before revealing his intention to hunt down the rebels and protect the people. The visitors were delighted to support the cause by supplying the brothers with fifty finemounts, five hundred ounces of gold and silver, and one thousandf in of wrought iron to manufacture weapons.26   After bidding the traders a grateful farewell, Xuande had the finest smith forge for him a pair of matching double-edged swords;for Lord Guan a Green Dragon crescent-moon blade, also knownas Frozen Glory, weighing eighty-two jin,27 and for Zhang Fei, aneighteen-span spear of tempered steel. He also ordered full bodyarmor for each of them.   At the head of five hundred local youths, the brothers presentedthemselves to Commandant Zou Jing. Jing brought them to LiuYan, governor of You zhou, before whom the brothers gave accountof themselves. When Xuande mentioned his royal surname, the governor was delighted and acknowledged him as a nephew.   Some days later it was reported that the Yellow Scarves chieftain Cheng Yuanzhi was advancing on Zhuo district with fifty thousand men. The governor had Commandant Zou Jing lead the brother sand their five hundred against the enemy. Eagerly, Xuande tookhis company to the base of Daxing Mountain where he encountered the rebels, who as always appeared with hair unbound and yellow scarves across their foreheads.


The story begins when the emperor ,fearing uprisings by peasant rebels known as the yellow scarves,sends an urgent appeal toA~the provinces for popular support. In response, three young men——the aristocraticLiu Xuande, the fugitive Lord Guan, and the pig-butcher Zhang Feimeet to pledgeeternal brotherhood and fealty to their beleaguered government. From these events comes a chain of cause and consequence thatleads ultimately to the collapse of the Han.Moss Roberts' s new translation providesfor the first time an authoritative, annotatedEnglish-language version of this great and enduring work of world literature.A Centennial BookLuo Guanzhong (1330?-1400?) was a novelistand dramatist who played an important rolein the development of Chinese popular fiction.Moss Roberts is Professor of Chinese at NewYork University. He has published anabridged translation of Three Kingdoms(Pantheon 1976) and is the translator of Chinese Fairy Tales and Fantasies (Pantheon1979).John S. Service, the son of an American missionary, was born in China and was a Foreign Service officer there from 1933 to1945. He is a Fellow at the Center for Chinese Studies at the University of California,Berkeley, and is an authority on Chinese culture and politics. He is also the editor ofGolden Inches: the China Memoir of Grace Service (California 1989).The empire, long divided, must unite ;long united, must divide. Thus it has ever been." With this characterization of theinevi table cycle of Chinese history, them on umental tale Three Kingdoms begins. Asimportant for Chinese culture as the Home ricepics have been for the West, this Mingdynasty masterpiece continues to be read and loved throughout China as well as in Japan,Korea, and Vietnam. The novel offers as tartling and unsparing view of how power iswielded, how diplomacy is conducted, and how wars are planned and fought; it has influenced the ways that Chinese think about power, diplomacy, and war even to this day.   Three Kingdoms portrays a fateful moment at the end of the Hart dynasty (206 B.C.-A.D.220) when the future of the Chinese empirelay in the balance. Writing more than amillennium later, Luo Guanzhong drew onoften-told tales of this turbulent period to fashion a sophisticated, compelling narrative ,whose characters display vivid in dividuality and epic grandeur.



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