
出版时间:1993-01  出版社:外文出版社  作者:谢竹藩  


Bom in Ningbo in China's Zhejiang
Province, in 1924, Professor Xie
Zhufan is a 1946 graduate of the Bei-
jing University Medical College. In
1956 he completed the first ever special
training course for teachers in acupunc-
ture held by the Ministry of Public
Health. For more than forty years he
has been working in the First Teaching
Hospital of the Beijing Medical Univer-
sity (formerly the Beijing Medical Col-
lege), and since the 1950s has been
engaged in clinical and experimental
studies on the integration of traditional
Chinese medicine with Western medi-
cine, concentrating for the most part on
intemal medicine. He has practised and
taught both modem Western medicine
and traditional Chinese medicine and
has conducted several training courses
on traditional Chinese medicine both
at home and abroad. A three-time ap-
pointee as WHO consultant on tradi-
tional medicine in 1985, 1986 and 1990,
he has worked in the WHO Regional
Office for the Western Pacific.
Owing to his particular professional ex-
perience, he knows well the difficulties
that most Occidentals encounter when
they are leaming traditional Chinese
medicine. He has published a great
variety of scientific papers and books,
among which his Dictionary of Tradi-
tional Medlclne has been most particu-
larly well received by his readers. At
present he holds the following profes-
sional positions: Professor of Medicine,
Director of the Institute for the Integra-
tion of Traditional and Modem Med-
icine, Beijing Medical University;
Chairman of the Committee of Intema-
tional Academic Exchange, Chinese As-
sociation for thc Integration of Trad-
itional and Westem Medicine; and
Vice-Chairman, Beijing Association for
the Integration of Traditional and
Westem Medicine.
Bom in China's Fujian Province, in
July 1930, Professor Liao Jiazhen
graduated from the Shanxi Medical
College in 1955 and completed the
Traditional Chinese Medicine Course
conducted by the Ministry of Public
Health, in 1958. For more than thirty
years he has been engaged in practice,
teaching and research related to the in-
tegration of traditional Chinese and
Western medicine. His research has
been focussed on clinical and pharma-
cological studies on the prevention and
treatment of coronary heart disease
using modem scientific methodology to
build on the basis of the traditional
theory of correlation between qi and
blood. He has published more than 90
academic papers, and has nine times
been awarded prizes for his scientific
achievements. His present posts are
Professor of Internal Medicine, Beijing
College of Traditional Chinese Medi-
cine; Vice-Chairman, Chinese Associa-
tion for the Integration of Traditional
Chinese and Western Medicine; Mem-
ber of the Appraisal Group on the In-
tegration of Traditional Chinese and
Western Medicine, Committee of Aca-
demic Degrees, the State Council of
the People's Republic of China; Depu-
ty Editor-in-Chief, The Pharmacologi-
cal and Clinical Journal of Chinese
Medicine; and Member of the Editorial
Board of The Chinese Journal of Inte-
grated Traditlonal and Western Medi-


Chapter 1 The Theory of Yin-Yang
Chapter 11 The Structure and Functions of the Human Body
Chapter III Material Basis of the Vilal Activities of the Human Body
Chapter IV Etiology and Pathogenesis
Chapter V The General Parameters of Syndrome Diagnosis
Chpater VI Diagnosis and Treatment According to the Pathological Changes
of Viscera (Zang-Fu)
Section 1 Syndromes of the Liver and the Gallbladder
Section 2 Syndromes of the Heart and the Small Intestine
Section 3 Syndromes of the Spieen and the Stomach
Section 4 Syndromes of the Lungs and the Large Intestine
Section 5 Syndromes of the Kidneys and the Urinary Bladder
Section 6 Syndromes Involving Two Viscera (Zang-Organs)
Chapter VII Common Cold
Chapter VIII Chronic Bronchitis
Chapter IX Bronchial Asthma
Chapter X Gastritis
Chapter XI" Peptic Ulcer
Chapter XII Cholecystitis and Cholelithiasis
Chapter XIII Ulcerative Colitis
Chapter XIV Acute Pancreatitis
Chpater XV Viral Hepatitis
Chpater XVI Aplastic Anemia
Chpater XVII Leukemia
Chapter XVIII Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
Chapter XIX Diabetes Mellitus
ChapterX-X- Hyperthyroidism(Graves' Disease)
Chapter XXI Cancer
Chapter XXII Arterial Hypertension
Chaptcr XXIII Viral Myocardilis
Chapter XXIV Coronary Hcart Disease
Chpalcr XXV Hcart Failurc
Chapter- XXVl Shock
Seleetd Furmuia and Patem(Ready-to-usc-) Medieines-



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