出版时间:2006-1-1 出版社:外文出版社 作者:孙树椿 页数:173
ATLAS ot?THERAPEUTIC MOTION FOR TREATMENT AND HEALTH gives adetailed,step-by-step introduction to traditional Chinese massage and exercise therapy designed to treat a wide variety of muscle and bone ailments and generally improve the health.Illustrated with 499 color photos,the book iS easy to follow for laymen and a good training manual for medical workers.It introduces ancient.completely natural methods of massage that have been developed and improved upon over the centuries and found effective for treating injuries,dislocated joints.arthritis.stifiness and spasms,and many other painful affiictions.Eyen healthy people will find the massage soothing and cornfortable. The Atlas ends with a section detailing a series of gentle exercises that tone the muscles and lubricate the joints and are simple to Iearn by following descriptions and photos. The Atlas.written by a team headed by the prominent doctor of orthopaedics and traumatology Sun Shuchun,fills a need for natural,good health.Until recently.massage therapy was one of China’S best.kept secrets.This Atlas iS the most readable guide yet to this age.old branch of the health sciences
Dr.Sun Shuchun,chief editor of the Atlas,iS an associate professor of odhopaedics and traumatology and Vice Director of the Institute of Orthopaedics and Traumatology under the Academy of TraditionaI Chinese Medicine of China.and an
associate profess
General Outline The Basic Methods of Therapeutic Massage 1. Extension and fleetion 2. Rocking 3.Interception 4.Torsion 5. Snapping and prodding 6. Rolling 7.Pulling 8. Intermediate pummeljng 9. Hitting 10. ACuDOjnt 11. Shakjng 12. Pushing 13. G rasping 14. Pressing 15. Rubbing 16. Kneading 17. Dispersing 18. Squeezing 19. Chopping 20.Aligning and smoothingLocalized TrealmenIs a 1.The head and facial regions (1) Massage of the head (2) Massage of the temples and mandibular region 2.The neck (1)Basic methods (2)Localized methods a) J Kneading under tFaCtion b) J Lifting and pushing C)J Torsion Quick torsion method Torslon in a sittlng posltion Torslon in a suplne posilion d)Treatment for torticolIis in childfen 3. The thoracic region a)Lifting b)Tapping and pounding c)Rotating 4. Lower back pain (1)The basic methods (2)The localized methods a)Spinal pinching b) Pushing and tapping c)Flection and pressing with traction d)The three lifting movements e)Pressing on the back and rocking the legs f)Rocking the low-er back g)Pressing in hyperextensiOn h)Pression in a bent.knee position i)Rocking the lower back in a supine position j)Taking steps in the ai r k)Rocking in a sitting position I)Rolling on a bed m)Stretching the back from a standing position n)Flection and extending of Ihe lumbar spine o)HiP 1ift P)Carrying q) Bending on a bed r)1wlstmg the Iumbar spine S)Stepping t)I reating the upper thoracic VertebraeAppendix: a)I reatmenl ror realposition of the pubic bone b)l reatIng strains of the sacrococcygeal region 5.The shoulder region (1)The basic methods (2)The localized methods a)l he anterior aspect of Ihe shoUldcr b)The lop of the shoulder C)The back of the shoulder d)The scapular region e)Therapy tbr periarth ritis of the shoulder ……Exercise Therapy