
出版时间:1997-01  出版社:外文出版社  


Chapter 1
Perfecting Macroeconomic Policies and Deepening Rural
Economic Reform
I. China's Rural Economic Reform Is a Breakthrough for the
National Reform
II. The Importance of the Rural Reform and Development to
Macro Stability
III China's Rural Problems and Agricultural Policies
Chapter 11
Rural Land System Reform
I. Problems in the Land-Use System
II. Land Circulation and Scale Management
III. Land Shares as a Form of Cooperative Economy
Chapter III
The Marketization of the Purchase and Sales Systems of
Agricultural Products
I. Pushing Forward the Reform of the Purchase and Sales
Systems with Marketization as the Objective
II. Grain Policies and Supply and Demand
III. The Construction of the Market System and the Founding
of the National Unified Market
Chapter IV
Migration of Surplus Rural Labor and Urbanization of Rural
I. Migration of Surplus Rural Labor During the Economic
II. The Development of Township Enterprises
Ill. The Construction of SmalI Towns
Chapter V
Changing the Fnnctions of the Government and Coordinated
Development in Rural Areas
I. Govemment Functions and Measures of Macro Control
II. The Development of Rural Industrialization
III. Coordinated Development of Urban and Rural Areas



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