出版时间:1997-01 出版社:外文出版社
Editorial Board of
Stndies on the Chinese Market
Economy Series
Chief Editors:
Gao Shangquan (b. September
1929), native of Shanghai; vi.ce-minister
of State Commission fpr Restructurmg
Economy, 1985-1993; executive vice-
president of Chinese Society of Econom-
ic Restructuring, 1991-1995; president
of China (Hainan) Institute for Reform
and Development, 1995. Author of Eco-
rwnic Structural Reform in China, Se-
lected Works of Gao Shangquan. and
Chi Fulin (b. August 1951), native
of Penglai, Shandong Province; execu-
dve vice-president of China (Hainan)
Institute for Reform and Development
and vice-president of Chinese Society of
Economic Restructuring. Author of On
Economic Reform in the Reshaping Peri-
od, and others.
Sun Xiuping (b. 1962), director of
Research Department, China (Hainan)
Institute for Reform and Development.
Zhu Huayou (b. 1961), deputy di-
rector of Research Department, China
(Hainan) Institute for Reform and De-
Chapter 1
Reform of State-Owned Enterprises: The Crux of China's
Economic Structural Reform
I. State-Owned Enterprises: The Current Situation and Out-
II. Problems of Innovation Within the Chinese Enterprise Sys-
Chapter 11
Basic Thoughts on the Transformation Period for State-
owned Enterprises
I. Enlivening the State-Owned Economy as a Whole
II. Creating a Modern Enterprise System-the Basic Task for
Transforming the Economic System
.II. Measures to Deepen the Reform of State-Owned Enterpris-
Chapter III
Reform of the Property Rights System: A Breakthrough in the
Reform of State-Owned Enterprises
I. Making Clear Property Relations for the Transition to a
Modern Enterprise System
II. What Are the Independent Property Rights of the Enterpris-
e's Legal Person?
III. The Issue of the Central and Local Publicly Owned As-
IV. Establishing the Proper-ty Rights of the Labor Force Under
the Socialist Market Economy
V. Property Rights Market: Advancing the Circulation and
Reorganization of Property Rights
Chapter IV
The Transformation of State-Owned Enterprises Under a
Corporate System
I. Reform of State-Owned Enterprises of Various Types and a
Model for Corporate System Transformation
II. The Chinese Style of the Western Modern Corporate Sys-
III. Readjustment of the Enterprises Structure and Organiza-
tion of Corporate Groups
IV. Standard Operation of State-Owned Stocks and Standardi-
zation of the Corporate System
Chapter V
Reorganization of State-Owned Enterprises and Their Liabil-
I. Significance and Methods of Reorganizing State-Owned En-
II. The Necessity of Reorganizmg the Liabilities of State-
Owned Enterprises
.II. Methods and Measures for Reorganizing the Liabilities of
State-Owned Enterprises
Chapter VI
Reconfiguration of State-Owned Assets Management
I. The Present Situation and Problems of State-Owned Assets
Management in China
II. The Reconstruction of the State-Owned Assets Management
III. Constructing the Operating System for State-Owned Assets
with the Establishment of State-Owned Holding Companies
as the Key
IV. Optimum Results for State-Owned Assets: Reallocation of
State-Owned Assets
Chapter VII
Separation of Government Administration from Management:
The Key to Changing the State-Owned Enterprise System
1. The Roots of the Deep Contradictions in the Reform of the
China's Economic System
II. The Government Functions and Responsibilities under the
Market Economy
III. A Design for the Separation of Government Administra-
tion from Enterprise Management and the Reform of Organ-
Chapter VIII
Eetablishing a Mechanism for the Scientific Management of
State-Owned Enterprises
I. The Basic Idea for Reform of the Internal Management of
State-Owned Enterprises
II. The Key to Scientific Management: Perfecting the Compa-
ny's Corporate Administrative Structure
.II. The Modern Enterprise System Calls for Modern Entre-