
出版时间:2005-1  出版社:外文出版社  作者:北京中医药大学 等编  


《中国针灸学概要》主要内容包括:A General Description of the Basic Knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine、CHAPTER I YIN-YANG AND THE FIVE ELEMENTS、THE FIVE ELEMENTS、EXTRAORDINARY ORGANS等。


PREFACEFOREWORD TO THE FIRST EDITIONFOREWORD TO THE SECOND EDITIONINTRODUCTIONPART I A General Description of the Basic Knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine  CHAPTER I YIN-YANG AND THE FIVE ELEMENTS    I. YIN-YANG      1. The opposition and interdependence of yin and yang      2. The inter-consuming-supporting and the inter-transforming relation of yin and  yang    II. THE FIVE ELEMENTS      1. Attribution of things to the five elements      2. The inter-promoting, inter-acting, over-acting and counter-acting relation of  the five elements  CHAPTER II ZANG-FU (INTERNAL ORGANS)    I. THE ZANG ORGANS      1. Heart      2. Liver      3. Spleen      4. Lung      5. Kidney      6. Pericardium    II. FU ORGANS      1. Small intestine      2. Gall bladder      3. Stomach      4. Large intestine      5. Urinary bladder      6. Sa'njlao    III. EXTRAORDINARY ORGANS      1. Brain      2. Uterus  CHAPTER III CHANNELS AND COLLATERALS    I. NOMENCLATURE AND CLASSIFICATION    II. FUNCTIONS OF CHANNELS AND COLLATERALS  CHAPTER IV QI, BLOOD AND BODY FLUID    I. QI    II. BLOOD    III. BODY FLUID  CHAPTER V ETIOLOGY    I. SIX EXOGENOUS FACTORS    1. Wind    2. Cold    3. Summer heat    4. Damp    5. Dryness    6. Heat (fire, mild heat)  II. SEVEN EMOTIONAL FACTORS  III. MISCELLANEOUS PATHOGENIC FACTORS    1. Irregular food intake    2. Over-strain and stress or lack of physical exertion    3. Traumatic injuries    4. Stagnant blood and phlegm  CHAPTER VI METHODS OF DIAGNOSIS    I. INSPECTION      1. Observation of the expression      2. Observation of the colour      3. Observation of the appearance      4. Observation of the tongue    II. AUSCULTATION AND OLFACTION      1. Listening      2. Smelling    III. INQUIRING      1. Chills and fever      2. Perspiration      3. Food and drink, appetite and taste      4. Defecation and urination      5. Pain      6. Sleep      7. Menses and leukorrhea    IV. PALPATION      1. Feeling the pulse      2. Palpation of channels and points  CHAPTER VII DIFFERENTIATION OF SYNDROMES    I. DIFFERENTIATION OF SYNDROMES ACCORDING TO EIGHT PRINCIPLES      1. Exterior and interior      2. Cold and heat      3. Xu (deficiency) and shi (excess)      4. Yin and yang    II. DIFFERENTIATION OF SYNDROMES ACCORDING TO THE THEORY OF ZANG-FU      1. Syndromes of the heart      2. Syndromes of the liver      3. Syndromes of the spleen      4. Syndromes of the lung      5. Syndromes of the kidney      6. Syndromes of the pericardium      7. Syndromes of the small intestine      8. Syndromes of the gall bladder      9. Syndromes of the stomach      10. Syndromes of the large intestine      11. Syndromes of the urinary bladder    III. DIFFERENTIATION OF SYNDROMES ACCORDING TO THE THEORY OF  CHANNELS AND COLLATERALS    1. Pathological manifestations of the 12 regular channels    2. Pathological manifestations of the eight extra channelsPART II Channels, Collaterals and PointsPART III Acupuncture and Moxibustion Therapy (Appendix: Cupping)INDEX OF THE ACUPUNCTURE POINTSERRATA



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