出版时间:2012-9 出版社:国防工业出版社 作者:秦志钰,郝兴明,容幸福 编著 页数:213 字数:315000
part i engineering materials
chapter 1 engineering materials and testing
unit i engineering materials
unit 2 materials characterization
unit 3 testing and inspection of engineering materials
unit 4 hardness tests
unit 5 other tests
chapter 2 ferrous materials
unit 6 pig-iron
unit 7 steel making
unit 8 structures of metals
unit 9 equilibrium diagram
unit 10 isothermal transformation diagrams
unit 11 heat treatment of steels
unit 12 carbon steel
chapter 3 alloy steels and non-ferrous metals
unit 13 alloy steels (i)
unit 14 alloy steels (ii)
unit 15 tool steels and carbide cutting materials
.unit 16 stainless
unit 17 surface hardening
unit !8 cast iron
unit 19 non-ferrous metals (i)
unit 20 non-ferrous metals (ii)
part ii casting, forging and welding
chapter 4 casting
unit 21 introduction
unit 22 sand casting
unit 23 simple two-part moulds
unit 24 non-expendable mould casting
unit 25 some methods for casting and defects in castings
unit 26 preparation of metal for pouring
chapter 5 forging
unit 27 introduction
unit 28 forging presses, drop forging and defects in forgings
unit 29 piercing, blanking and trimming
unit 30 bending, forming and drawing
chapter 6 welding
unit 31 introduction
unit 32 welding processes and some methods for welding
unit 33 gas welding
unit 34 arc welding
unit 35 atomic hydrogen, shielded arc welding and welding
unit 36 welding position and welding joints
unit 37 inspection of welding and welding properties of different
part iii theory of machines and mechanisms, mechanical design
chapter 7 theory of machines and mechanisms
unit 38 introduction
unit 39 degree of freedom and types of kinematic joints
unit 40 mechanisms
unit 41 mechanical linkages
unit 42 cams
unit 43 gears
chapter 8 mechanical design
unit 44 introduction
unit 45 fasteners
unit 46 types of bearings
part iv machining of metal
chapter 9 machine tools
unit 47 classification of machine tools
unit 48 action of a cutting tool
chapter 10 lathe
unit 49 brief description of typical lathes
unit 50 methods of holding the workpieces and lathe tools
unit 51 twist drills and drilling machines
chapter 11 transfer machines and automation
unit 52 transfer machines
unit 53 automation and contour-producing machine tools
unit 54 trace-controlled servo-operated machines
unit 55 tape and film control of machine tools and a magenetic-tape
chapter 12 computer numerical control
unit 56 history
unit 57 numerical control
unit 58 computer numerical control
unit 59 direct numerical control (dnc)
unit 60 cad/cam and cifm and automatic adaptive control