
出版时间:2012-8  出版社:国防工业出版社  作者:李京南,林何 主编  页数:207  字数:306000  




unit 1 introducing someone
unit 2 talking about a company
unit 3 introducing a product
unit 4 giving itructio
unit 5 making a good presentation
unit 6 taking a business trip
unit 7 entertaining clients
unit 8 meeting a different culture
unit 9 managing job stress
unit 10 shopping online
unit 11 privacy and property on the net
unit 12 business negotiation
unit 13 negotiation at workplace
unit 14 globalization
unit 15 china in the globalized market


版权页:   插图:   Intensive Reading How to Entertain Clients? Samuel Hui The ability to entertain clients is one of the basic skills to have in any corporate setting. Ifyou impress your clients, it means repeat business and other perks down the road. The trick toentertaining clients is to find out what they enjoy doing and make sure that they have a goodtime while in your company. But how to entertain your clients? Here is a list of alternative client-friendly activities. Boating excursion If you can charter a yacht or rent a small boat, a boating excursion is a relaxing way to getout of the daily grind. Nature and the hypnotizing effect of the waves often have a way of sooth ing the spirits and provide an excellent opportunity to get to know your client. Depending on your budget, you can go for a luxury vessel or a standard power boat, bothof which have their pros and cons. A yacht provides a more comfortable experience and a great opportunity for lengthy talks;however, it often costs a lot more and is only worthwhile for a full-day trip. The power boat maynot be as luxurious, but it is smaller and more intimate, and you can take it out only for a couple of hours if you don't have a full day to spare. Like golf, your boating excursion may be affected by the weather, so proper planning isnecessary. You might also want to make sure that your client doesn't get seasick easily. Exclusive event Impress your client with dinner at an exclusive restaurant or a night out at a special event. Wining and dining seems to be the second most popular activity to do with clients-probably because it is the easiest--but it can be ineffective if the client is unimpressed with the venue. Therefore, make the extra effort to find a special place to dine. Many people are die-hard sports fans and will jump at the opportunity to go to a majorsports game. If you land good tickets or your company has a private box, this can be the idealway to woo your client. Unfortunately, this has also been done a lot, but if the tickets are exclusive, your clientwill likely be impressed. Just don't overdo it: if you spend money like water, your client willwonder whether he is paying you too much. Other events could include gallery showings, special cocktail gatherings or even a night outat a private club. Relaxing retreat Take time out to unwind and loosen up with a trip to the spa. Enjoy a dip in the water andsome time in the sauna. This is an opportunity to slow down from the normal hectic pace ofwork life.





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