
出版时间:2012-3  出版社:国防工业出版社  作者:项茂英  页数:319  






chapter 1 introduction1.1 background1.2 objectives of this study1.3 structure of the bookchapter 2 perspectives in the study of teaching2.1 behaviorist views of teaching2.2 humanistic views of teaching2.3 cognitive views of teaching2.4 constructivist views of teachingchapter 3 approaches to language teacher's roles3.1 concepts of teacher's roles3.2 factors that influence teacher's roles3.3 main approaches to the study of teacher's roleschapter 4 theoretical framework for the study of teacher's roles4.1 a holistic view on teaching4.2 eight kinds of teacher's roleschapter 5 hypotheses and construction of english teacher role scale5.1 hypotheses5.2 construction of english teacher role scale.chapter 6 students' perceptions of efl teachers' roles6.1 research background6.2 method6.3 findings and discussionschapter 7 efl teachers' perceptions of their roles7.1 research background7.2 research question7.3 method7.4 results7.5 discussionschapter 8 a comparative study of effective and ineffective efl teacher8.1 research background8.2 research method8.3 results and discussionschapter 9 exploring teaching through increasing language teaching awareness9.1 increase self-awareness9.2 reflective language teaching9.3 action research9.4 writing teaching journals9.5 classroom observation9.6 case analysis9.7 using videos9.8 peer coaching and mentoring9.9 team teaching9.10 teaching portfolioschapter 10 promoting language teacher's professional development through teacher education10.1 conceptions of teacher training, teacher education and teacher development10.2 language teacher education10.3 efl teacher education in china10.4 making efl teacher education more productiveappendixesappendix 1 students' open-ended questionnaireappendix 2 teachers' open-ended questionnaireappendix 3 effective teachers' in-depth interview outlineappendix 4 大学英语教学相关调查问卷(学生)appendix 5 大学英语教学相关调查问卷(教师)appendix 6 students' semi-structured interview outlineappendix 7 teachers' semi-structured interview outlinebibliography



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