
出版时间:2011-10  出版社:国防工业出版社  作者:田卉  页数:147  




part one background of business english
 1.1 prevalence of english
 1.2 origin of business english
 1.3 popularity of business english in china
part two characteristics of business english
 2.1 lexical aspect
 2.2 syntactical aspect
 2.3 stylistic aspect
 2.4 social aspect
part three some basic facts of business english teaching
 3.1 a brief history of business english teaching
  3.1.1 reading-centered phase
  3.1.2 video phase
  3.1.3 functional language phase
  3.1.4 business-skills-combined phase
 3.2 business english teaching in china and status uo
 3.3 some major teaching theories
  3.3.1 case study teaching
  3.3.2 situational simulation teaching
part four task-based approach
 4.1 literature review
  4.1.1 the definition of task
  4.1.2 components of task
  4.1.3 models o~ task-based approach
  4.1.4 two hypotheses concerning task
  4.2 a critical perspective
part five process of business english teaching
 5.1 decision-making phase
 5.2 implementing phase
  5.2.1 objectives
  5.2.2 syllabus
  5.2.3 teaching materials
  5.2.4 methodology
  5.2.5 teaching aids
  5.2.6 teachers
  5.2.7 students
  5.2.8 extra-curriculum activities
 5.3 evaluation phase
  5.3.1 categories of tests
  5.3.2 significance of testing
part six web and multi-media teaching
  6.1 a general survey of multi-media teaching
  6.2 a critical perspective of multi-media teaching
part seven suggested teaching plans
 7.1 using web materials to extend business knowledge
 7.2 using web materials to develop problem-solving skills
 7.3 using web materials to improve comprehension skills
 7.4 using web materials to develop analyzing skills
  7.4.1 example one
  7.4.2 example two
part eight some issues concerning business english teaching
 8.1 teacher's authority vs students' autonomy
 8.2 inadequacy of business knowledge
 8.3 cultural awareness
  8.3.1 significance of cultural awareness
  8.3.2 attitudes towards culture
part nine some suggestive classroom activities
 9.1 forum
 9.2 business negotiation
 9.3 commodity fair
 9.4 press conference
part ten conclusion



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  •   还没仔细看,不过到手感觉比较薄,内容比较少。相对其价格来说,内容太少了。

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