
出版时间:2011-9  出版社:国防工业出版社  作者:薛艳雯,韩红梅 主编  页数:268  




chapter 1 eat to health
 topic 1 breakfast
 topic 2 lunch
 topic 3 dinner
 topic 4 love dessert
 topic 5 ripe fruit
 topic 6 girls love fish
 topic 7 egg
 topic 8 take-out
chapter 2 colourful vegetables
 topic 9 vegetables
 topic 10 red tomato
 topic 11 yellow carrot
 topic 12 green celery
 topic 13 purple eggplant
 topic 14 orange-coloured pumpkin
chapter 3 drink to health
 topic 15 just water
 topic 16 drinking tea
 topic 17 the one-of-a-kind milk
 topic 18 soup
 topic 19 desserts and drinks are perfect!
 topic 20 wine
 topic 21 beers and barfly'
 topic 22 hit the bar
chapter 4 go dining
 topic 23 order your meal
 topic 24 order politely
 topic 25 check, please!
 topic 26 complaint
chapter 5 enjoying every minute
 topic 27 gelievable pizza
 topic 28 craving ice cream
 topic 29 chocolate
 topic 30 sweet jelly drop
 topic 31 bread
 topic 32 sushi
chapter 6 the style of cuisines
 topic 33 japanese cuisine
tepic 34 korean cuisine
 topic 3s french cuisine
 topic 36 italian food
 topic 37 australia food
 topic 38 chinese snacks
 topic 39 christmas meal
chapter 7 lose weight
 topic 40 fat-fighting food
 topic 41 get-sleepy grocery
 topic 42 oatmeal
 topic 43 tofu
 topic 44 recipes for pumpkins
 topic 45 love porridge to death
 topic 46 rm craving a salad
chapter 8 about nutrition
 topic 47 meat is necessary
 topic 48 eating right
 topic 49 noodles
 topic 50 bbq
 topic 51 enjoyyour buffet
 topic 52 try to avoid fried food
 topic 53 love gourmet
 topic 54 green diet
 topic 55 tea food
chapter 9 food culture
 topic 56 table etiquette
 topic 57 western knife and fork
 topic 58 food and culture



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用户评论 (总计2条)


  •   很实用,很实在的一本书···
  •   感觉页面不是很精致,纸张手感也一般,颜色看起来怪怪的……而且没有图片,不太有助于学习啊

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