
出版时间:2010-6  出版社:国防工业出版社  作者:邢志祥,罗伦全 主编  页数:215  


  高校不断扩招,招生比例不断提高,使得高校学生的水平差距不断加大。在大学英语方面,这种差距更为凸显。目前,在我国大多数的高等院校里,人学英语教学所使用的教材应当说在某种程度上更适合于中等偏上水平的学生,而未能照顾到起点较低的学生。为实现真正意义上的因材施教,有的放矢,选编针对当前大学英语初级水平教学而使用的教材成为一个亟待解决的问题。本教材也正是在这种情况下应运而生。本教材的教学对象为普通高校里起点较低的非英语专业本科生,亦可作为其他院校同等水平学生的大学英语教材。  现行的《大学英语教学大纲》于1998年12月修订公布,之后于2004年又下发了《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》。自该课程设置在全国实施以来,应当说它基本上符合我国高校实际情况,为大学英语教学做出了有目共睹的贡献。但是,我国现有1000多所各种层次、各种类别的高等院校,招生也是分五六个批次进行;本科的和专科的,重点的和非重点的,各校的生源水平、师资条件不尽相同。一个教学大纲、一种课程模式,显然不切实际(蔡基刚,《复旦教育》2002年第一期)。用全国通用的《大学英语教学大纲》来要求不是站在同一起跑线上的学生既不切实际,也不能达到教学预期目标,对学生也是有失公允的。  在教过的众多学生群体中,我们发现,只要方法得当,材料适宜,各类学生都可以以其自身现有的水平为起点,取得大幅度的,至少是一定程度的进步。然而,令人遗憾的是,目前还没有一本较为规范的可供大学英语初级水平学生学习使用的英语教材。因此,编写一套符合大学英语初级水平学生认知规律、与专业相结合、实用性较强、利于发挥且注重与专业需求有效互动的大学英语初级水平的教材是十分必要的。  在长期的教学过程中,我们发现英语水平相对较低的学生一般都具有不能较长时间保持注意力集中的特点。然而,该类学生却有着其他学生无可比拟的优势,如思想活跃、善于表现、勇于展示、容易接受新事物等。有鉴于此,本教材在编写过程中,将课文的单词量控制在450词~650词之间。


本书为《大学英语综合教程》上、下两册习题的合订本,全书共20个单元。每单元均由Part A Basic Skills、Part B Text—related Exercises、Part C Reading and Translation三个板块构成,其中包含语音、词汇、语法、阅读和翻译等知识讲解,每部分都配有丰富的相关练习。


上册  Unit One A Marvelous Painter   Part A Basic Skills   Part B Text-related Exercises   Part C Reading and Translation  Unit Two General Knowledge about Sports   Part A Basic Skills   Part B Text-related Exercises   Part C Reading and Translation  Unit Three General Knowledge about Architecture   Part A Basic Skills   Part B Text-related Exercises   Part C Reading and Translation  Unit Four Some World-famous Heritages in China   Part A Basic Skills   Part B Text-related Exercises   Part C Reading and Translation  Unit Five How Much Do You Know about Color?   Part A Basic Skills   Part B Text-related Exercises   Part C Reading and Translation  Unit Six The Modern Olympics   Part A Basic Skills   Part B Text-related Exercises   Part C Reading and Translation  Unit Seven A Brief Introduction to Picasso   Part A Basic Skills   Part B Text-related Exercises   Part C Reading and Translation  Unit Eight More about Sports   Part A Basic Skills   Part B Text-related Exercises   Part C Reading and Translation  Unit Nine Acquainting Ourselves with Music   Part A Basic Skills   Part B Text-related Exercises   Part C Reading and Translation  Unit Ten Basic Functions of Mass Media   Part A Basic Skills   Part B Text-related Exercises   Part C Reading and Translation 下册  Unit One Museums in the Modern World   Part A Basic Skills   Part B Text-related Exercises   Part C Reading and Translation  Unit Two Getting Familiar with the Yard Sale   Part A Basic Skills   Part B Text-related Exercises   Part C Reading and Translation  Unit Three Phobia and Mountaineering   Part A Basic Skills   Part B Text-related Exercises   Part C Reading and Translation  Unit Four Insomnia and Sleep   Part A Basic Skills   Part B Text-related Exercises   Part C Reading and Translation  Unit Five Famous Athletes   Part A Basic Skills   Part B Text-related Exercises   Part C Reading and Translation  Unit Six Mona Lisa and Its Painter   Part A Basic Skills   Part B Text-related Exercises   Part C Reading and Translation  Unit Seven Musician and Music   Part A Basic Skills   Part B Text-related Exercises   Part C Reading and Translation  Unit Eight More about Architecture   Part A Basic Skills   Part B Text-related Exercises   Part C Reading and Translation  Unit Nine Sports in the World   Part A Basic Skills   Part B Text-related Exercises   Part C Reading and Translation  Unit Ten Culture in the Western Countries   Part A Basic Skills   Part B Text-related Exercises   Part C Reading and Translation 附录1 大学英语三级模拟试题 附录2 模拟试题参考答案 附录3 听力录音文稿


  The dress of an individual is a kind of "sign language" that communicates acomplex set of information and is usually the basis on which immediate impres-sions are formed. Traditionally, women cared much about their clothes, whilemen took pride in the fact that they were completely lacking in clothes conscious-ness.  This type of American culture is gradually changing as mens dress takes ongreater variety and color. Even as early as 1995, a research in Michigan revealedthat men attached rather high importance to the value of clothing in daily life.White-collar workers in particular viewed dress as a symbol of control, whichcould be used to impress or influence others, especially in the work situation.The white-collar worker was described as extremely concerned about the impres-sion his clothing made on his superiors. Although blue-collar workers were lessaware that they might be judged on the basis of their clothing, they recognizedthat they would be laughed at by their fellow workers if they were any differentfrom the accepted pattern of dress.  Since that time, of course, the patterns have changed: the typical officeworker may now be wearing the blue shirt, and laborer a white shirt but the im-portance of dress has not decreased. Other investigators in recent years havehelped to establish its significance in the lives of individuals at various age levelsin different social and economic groups.



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