
出版时间:2010-4  出版社:国防工业出版社  作者:白宇,张景臣 主编  页数:176  


  为了总结梳理军事装备学学科建设成果,提升军事装备学学科建设水平和装备人才培养质量,在军队“2110工程”专项经费支持下,在装备指挥技术学院“2110工程”教材(著作)编审委员会统一组织指导下,军事装备学学科领域的专家学者编著了一批适应装备人才培养需求,对我军装备工作具有主要指导作用的军事装备学系列丛书,将分别以军事装备学的学术专著和专业教材的形式陆续出版。  在总装首长、机关和军事装备学专家学者的共同努力下,军事装备学走过了从无到有、从小到大、从弱到强的快速发展历程,建立了军事装备学学科体系,创立了军事装备学理论,获得了多项国家级和军队级奖项,培养了一大批“指技俱精”的高素质的装备人才,造就了一支具有较高学科理论素养和丰富实践经验的军事装备学学术队伍,为我军军事装备学学科建设和装备人才培养作出了巨大贡献。  作为军事装备学学科建设继往开来的一件大事,编辑这套丛书是军事装备学学科建设的重要内容,是装备人才培养的重要基础,也是体现军事装备学学科建设水平的重要标志。它承担着记载与弘扬军事装备学学科成就、积累和传播军事装备学知识的使命,是众多军事装备学专家学者辛勤汗水的结晶。编著这套丛书,旨在系统全面地将实践经验进一步理论化、科学化,形成具有我军特色的军事装备学学科知识体系。一是总结军事装备学学科建设和装备人才培养的理论研究与实践探索的重要成果和宝贵经验,将专家学者的思考、观点和实践经验归纳总结出来,以利于军事装备学知识的积累和传承;二是紧紧围绕我军武器装备现代化建设和军事斗争装备准备,以装备指挥、装备管理、装备保障和装备采办为主要内容,为军事装备学任职培训提供一套系统、全面的教学用书。


本教材针对装备指挥领域军事硕士的特点,所选课文及阅读文章均选自近几年国外相关报道及期刊杂志上的文章,专业性强、内容新颖、语言规范、难易适中。对课文的单词、语言点及相关背景知识都有详尽的注释,并在文章后配有译文。共分l4个单元,每个单元包括Part A正课文,Part B副课文,用来扩充阅读量和词汇。    本教材不仅适用于装备指挥领域军事硕士研究生,也可以作为军事类其他领域军事硕士研究生的选用教材。


Unit 1  Part A  Service Acquisition Organization  Part B  Supplementary Reading: Army Organization of the United StatesUnit 2  Part A  Revised US Nuclear Doctrine Outlines Preemption Strategy  Part B  Supplementary Reading: Preemptive Strikes Part of U. S. Strategic Doctrine "All Options" Open for Countering Unconventional ArmsUnit 3  Part A  Bush Declares War on Iraq  Part B  Supplementary Reading:The Normandy LandingsUnit 4   Part A  Information Superiority  Part B  Supplementary Reading: GIGUnit 5  Part A  The Future Combat System  Part B  Supplementary Reading: AH-64A/D Apache Attack Helicopter Unit 6  Part A  Air Force Special Operations Forces  Part B  Supplementary Reading : C - 130 HerculesUnit 7  Part A  Aircraft Carrier  Part B  Supplementary Reading: Air Anti -Submarine WarfareUnit 8  Part A  Patriot Missile Air Defense System of USA  Part B  Supplementary Reading: MEADS: Medium Extended AirDefense System……


  At a White House briefing that year, a spokesman said the United States would "respond with overwhelming force" to the use of weapons of mass destruction againstthe United States, its forces, or allies, and said" all options" would be available tcthe president.  The draft, dated March 15, would provide authoritative guidance for com-manders to request presidential approval for using nuclear weapons, and represent.,the Pentagons first attempt to revise procedures to reflect the Bush preemption doc-trine. A previous version, completed in 1995 during the Clinton administration, con-tains no mention of using nuclear weapons preemptively or specifically against threatsfrom weapons of mass destruction.  Titled "Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations" and written under the direction otAir Force General Richard B. Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the draf!document is unclassified and available on a Pentagon website. It is expected to besigned within a few weeks by Air Force Lieutenant General Norton A. Schwartz, di-rector of the Joint Staff, according to Navy Commander Dawn Cutler, a public affairsofficer in Myerss office. Meanwhile, the draft is going through final coordination withthe military services, the combatant commanders, Pentagon legal authorities, andRumsfelds office, Cutler said in a written statement.  A" summary of changes" included in the draft identifies differences from the1995 doctrine and says the new document "revises the discussion of nuclear weaponsuse across the range of military operations. "  The first example for potential nuclear weapon use listed in the draft is againstan enemy that is using" or intending to use WMD" against US or allied, multinationalmilitary forces or civilian populations.  Another scenario for a possible nuclear preemptive strike is in case of an"immi-nent attack from adversary biological weapons that only effects from nuclear weaponscan safely destroy. "  That and other provisions in the document appear to refer to nuclear initiativesproposed by the administration that Congress has thus far declined to fully support.  The Joint Staff draft doctrine explains that despite the end of the Cold War, theproliferation of weapons of mass destruction " raises the danger of nuclearweapons use.



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