
出版时间:2009-9  出版社:国防工业出版社  作者:吴学鲁,陈凤兰 编著  页数:216  


  走进英语文学的宝库,如同置身于浩瀚的大海。若想领略其中的美妙,仍需读者亲身去遨游和探索。俗话说,“工欲善其事,必先利其器”,若想充分理解和欣赏英语文学宝库中的瑰宝,首先应当掌握一些最基本的阅读技能。正是基于这种考虑,本书在第一部分首先以通俗易懂的英语及全新的方式讲解英语文学阅读的基本技能和方法,帮助读者提高学习及欣赏英语文学作品的能力和水平。  在第二部分,为了让读者将所学的技能和方法付诸实践,本书精选了十篇具有代表性的当代著名作家的短篇小说。这些作品内涵丰富、寓意深刻,不但用语精辟生动、通俗易懂,而且时代感强,涉及当今社会民众现实生活的方方面面。  通过这些作品,不但可以学习真正意义上的现代英语,了解当代西方的风俗文化及思维方式,还可以管中窥豹,了解当今西方作家的流派及各具特色的创作思想、风格和艺术。  每篇小说后面不但有作者介绍,而且还提出一些问题来引导和帮助读者理解、思考、回味与交流,从而激发阅读与学习英语文学作品的兴趣,取得最佳的学习效果。




Part One  Skills Needed For Reading Literature  Unit 1  Identifying the Main Idea  Unit 2  Making Inferences  Unit 3  Getting Meaning from Context  Unit 4  Using Ideas in New Contexts  Unit 5  Style and Structure  Unit 6  Figurative Language Unit 7  Identifying Implications Unit 8  Identifying Cause & Effect Unit 9  Drawing Conclusions Unit 10  Identifying Assumptions Unit 11  Symbols" Unit 12  Similes & Metaphors Unit 13  Imagery Unit 14  Characterization Unit 15  Theme Keys to ExercisesPart Two  Selected Short Stories A Rose for Emily  William Faulkner The First Seven Years  Bernard Maiamud Shot Actress—Full Story  H.E.Bates Life of Ma Parker  Katherine Mansfield A Message from the Pig-Man  John Wain The Dry Rock  Irwin Shaw Possessions  George Ewart Evans The Raid  John Steinbeck Late Night on Wading Street  Bill Naughton Araby  James Joyoe


  He based his persuasive reasoning on two books which a Missis-sippi clergyman of some erudition had brought to his attention. Thefirst was Philip Gosse, an English writer, who argued simply thatthere were fossils, yes, and there were dinosaur bones, and therewere geological strata, and everything was exactly as Darwin andthe geologists described it. The secret was that in the year 4004 B.C. God had created the world exactly as Genesis said, and had hid-den all these bits of evidence in the rocks and in the dinosaur bonesas a kind of temptation to mans intellectual presumptions. Gosseexplained everything in such simple and beautiful terms that Strabis-mus said, No further discussion is necessary. The record is exactlywhat the atheistic professors at Yale say. It has to be, because Godplaced it there on the day of Creation.  The second book was extremely useful when arguing with peo-ple from the universities who had a smattering of knowledge. It wasGeorge McCready Prices The New Geology, which Marcia Strabis-mus sold for ten dollars a copy, to those who sought the truth. Itwas a formidable essay, well founded in scientific jargon and difficultto rebut. Its major thesis appealed to all who suffered from thetyranny of science, and when Strabismus translated this into hisown terms it made a persuasive argument:  ‘These here scientists try to tell us that fossils found in rocksalways grow from primitive forms to complex forms like you andme. And to prove this they show us that the primitive forms alwaysappear in the earliest rocks, and the complex forms in later rocks.But how do they date the layers of rock? You stop right now and tellme how they date the layers of rock.



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用户评论 (总计10条)


  •   这本书提高了我们对英语的技能。语法。词汇量。很适合青少年去读。而且这本书每一个小说读完之后都会有题目给大家去回答。让大家来回忆一下那本书的内容。
  •   开始准备买一本纯粹的小说的,没想到这本是阅读,也可以,反正都是为了英语
  •   对写论文什么的还是挺有帮助的!
  •   有技巧分析,好
  •   帮同学买的,她说是正版的。
  •   这是一门不错的教材,我很喜欢,买了很值
  •   虽然不太喜欢上的这节课,但是这本书还行~~
  •   内容过于简单,达不到我的预期。不太满意。退了。
  •   上课要求。书到的时候已经有点烂了。失望。
  •   印刷还不错,内容一般

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