出版时间:2009-7 出版社:国防工业出版社 作者:张迪 编 页数:190
第一章 讽刺篇1.A Lesson for Fools愚人一课2.Borrow Plumes打肿脸充胖子3.Friend or Foe是敌非友4.Actions Speak Louder Than Words事实胜于雄辩5.Cut Off Your Tails to Save My Face截人之长,补己之短6.A Plotter Out—Plotted害人反害己7.The Pot Calls the Kettle Black半斤八两8.Substance and Shadow贪得无厌9.Not Interested事不关己10.Vainglory Will Have a Misfortune虚荣使人不幸11.Wisdom from Thinkin9智源于思 12.Dead Men Tell No Tales死无对证13.A Clumsy Liar自作聪明14.The Punishment of Selfishness自食恶果15.Too Clever by Half聪明反被聪明误16.Asinine Pride自命不凡17.Have Their Voice Without Its Potential有其声而无其势18.A Prophet Without Knowledge自身难保19.Out of the Fryin9—pan into the Fire弄巧成拙20.Mote and Beam人错与己过21.The Heifer and the Ox小母牛和公牛22.The Judge and the Plaintiff法官和原告第二章 启发篇1.A Lesson Learnt too Late为时已晚2.Repayment in Kind感恩图报3.A Bird in the Hand惜取眼前福4.One—Way Traffic有去无回5.Reaping Without Sowin9不劳而获6.Taught by Experience记取教训7.Third—Party Profit鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利8.A Communist Dictator言行不一9.Forewarned Is Forearmed有备无患10.Things Are Not Always What They Seem以偏概全11.Lost to Shame自曝其短12.Slow but Sure龟兔赛跑13.A Waste of Good Counsel忠言逆耳 14.Once Bitten,Twice Shy上一次当,学一次乖15.Look Before You Leap慎思而行16.Ready for Action砺兵以待17.Save Us in the Time of Trouble居安思危18.A Bad Bargain得不偿失19.Dread the Strong Fear the Weak畏强惧弱20.Birds of a Feather物以类聚21.Know Your Limitations自知之明22.Vengeance at Any Price同归于尽23.Misplaced Confidence认敌为友24.Bom Plunderers天生恶人25.Unity Is Strength团结就是力量26.Use Is Everythin9习以为常27.Familiarity Breeds Contempt少见多怪28.Self Deception自欺欺人29.Froof Positive前车之鉴30.Beneath Notice无足轻重31.Why the Ant Is a Thief本性难移32.Honesty Is the Best Policy诚实为上……第三章 警示篇第四章 训诫篇参考文献