
出版时间:2009-5  出版社:国防工业出版社  作者:王晶,余明洋 主编  页数:200  


  随着民航业人才的培养模式从单一依靠民航系统院校培养,发展成为多点、多层次的民航人才培养格局,空中乘务专业在学科建设与教材建设上越发缺乏规范性、前瞻性与实用性,造成人才培养长期以来一直在较低水平徘徊,严重滞后于行业对高质量、高素质人才需求的现状。正基于此,我们编写了《民航乘务英语听力》,弥补了目前市场上民航乘务英语听力教材的空白。  《民航乘务英语听力》是专为民航服务、空中乘务、空中商务专业学生或有志于从事航空服务业工作的学习者编写的系列英语听力教材。该教材遵循系统性、适用性、实践性和前瞻性的原则,内容包括读、听、说、写四种技能,同时进行语音训练和专业词汇扩展,强调听力技能的培养。本书力图通过生动的听力材料、逼真的情景再现体会空中乘务工作所涉及的各个层面,培养学生具有较扎实的英语语言基础和较强的英语综合应用能力。  本书选用当代英语的常见语体或文体的典型样本作为素材。每个单元不仅要求专业语言规范,而且应富有文采,引人入胜,给人以启迪;选文题材以真实民航活动为背景,拓宽民航相关领域知识,体裁多样,语体兼顾书面语和口语、正式语和非正式语,反映了英语作为国际交流用语的丰富性和多元性。  本书每个单元设一个民航乘务服务中的常见话题,将语言学习贯穿在了解、思考、探讨现实生活中的民航乘务服务的各种问题的过程中,充分体现交际法的教学原则。该教材总结了多年来我校使用的课堂实践经验,经广泛征求学生及教师意见,在强调教材专业特色的同时加入了新的板块,如背景知识介绍、讨论、轻松一刻等。  全书共12个单元,每单元计划用时两个学时,不含学生课前预习及课后作业用时。当然,这仅仅是我们的一个参考意见,具体内容和安排可视各个学校的课程需要和学生层次而定。  参加本书编写工作的作者有(按课文先后顺序):余明洋(Unitl、Unit2),王晶(Unit3、Unit4、Unit5),王红丽(Unit6、Unit7),张卫华(Unit8、Unit9),刘晓茜(Unitl0、附录及插图),夏增强和夏娇(Unitll),秦颖和张秀明(Unitl2)。  高质量的空乘人才培养需要建立在科学的培养模式、规范的课程体系、合理的课程内容及有效的教学方法基础上。希望本书的出版能在优化全国空中乘务及相关专业培养计划、完善课程设置、丰富课程内容、传播交流有效教学方法方面尽绵薄之力。


本书共12个单元,每个单元设一个民航乘务服务中的常见话题,将语言学习贯穿在了解、思考、探讨现实生活中的民航乘务服务的各种问题的过程中,选用当代英语的常见语体或文体的典型样本作为素材,专业语言规范,力图通过生动的听力材料、逼真的情景再现体会空中乘务工作所涉及的各个层面,培养学生具有较扎实的英语语言基础和较强的英语综合应用能力。    本书是专为民航服务、空中乘务、空中商务专业学生或有志于从事航空服务业工作的学习者编写的英语听力教材。


Unit 1 At a Travel Agency Part A Micro-Listening Part B Listening Task  Exercise Flight Prices  Dialogue 1 A Trip to the States  Dialogue 2 At a Travel Agency  Leisure Time A Song Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Old Oak Tree Part C Additional Listening  Dialogue 1 We Want to Go to Spain  Dialogue 2 Is That a Direct Flight Part D Speaking Tasks(Role-play)  Where is My Seat Part E Home Listening  American Airlines' Top 10 Travel Tips for Summer  And Surviving a Busy Air Travel SeasonUnit 2 Booking Tickets Part A Micro-Listening Part B Listening Task Passage How to Book an Air Ticket  Dialogue Booking a Ticket for International Flight  Leisure Time A Poem The Tide Rises,the Tide Falls Part C Additional Listening  Dialogue Refunding a Ticket  Passage First Flight Part D Speaking Tasks(Role-play)  A Trip to China  Part E Home Listening  The Wright Brothers--First FlightUnit 3 At the Airport(Ⅰ) Part A Micro-Listening Part B Listening Task  Exercise 1 Airport Announcements  Exercise 2 Two Passages  Leisure Time A Poem High Flight--An Airman's Ecstasy Part C Additional Listening  Exercise Sentences  Dialogue A Conversation at the Airport  Passage Two Soldiers and a Boy Part D Speaking Tasks (Role-play)  The Customs Official Part E Home Listening  AirportUnit 4 At the Airport(Ⅱ) Part A Micro-Listening Part B Listening Task  Dialogue 1 Conversations at the Airport  Dialogue 2 Meeting a Friend at the Airport  Leisure Time A Poem The Road Not Taken Part C Additional Listening  Dialogue Mr. and Mrs. Wu at the Airport  Passage A Soldier's Brilliant Idea Part D Speaking Tasks (Discussion)  True or False Part E Home Listening  Hong Kong International AirportUnit 5 Departure Part A Micro-Listening Part B Listening Task  Dialogue Carriage of Pets  Exercise Announcement ……Unit 6 Welcom AboardUnit 7 In-Flight Service(Ⅰ)Unit 8 In-Flight Service(Ⅱ)Unit 9 A Long-haul FlightUnit 10 Air CrashUnit 11 About FlyingUnit 12 Rveiew教师用书


  It had been a completely normal flight,accordingto Tom Stuart,Emma’s fiance“She had no pains,nosymptoms.She and her friend were rushing becausethey were late for the bus.They were laughing andjoking.At the end of the walkway from the plane,she said‘I need to sit down。I’m not feeling toogood.’Shortly after,she passed out.”Emma neverregained consciousness.  You may think that this must have been a chance accident.But it was not.The im-mediate cause of death was a pulmonary embolism,or blood clot,on the lungs.It wasbrought on by DVT-deep-vein thrombosis.According to the consultant who attendedher death。the cause of DVT was prolonged immobility on the long-haul flight,  Flying-related DVT is not new~it is not something that has recently been discovered.Specialists in one hospital claim that they see on average two cases of flying-related DⅥaweek The difficulty has been in tracking down cases,the lack of research into it,and the ab-sence of any recorded figures that has enabled airlines to avoid the issue,  Two days after Emma’s death,another story appeared in the newspapers,Research re-ported in The Lancet,the official journal of the Brifish Medical Association,claimed that therewas no link between flying and blood clots.The timing of the report could not have beenworse.The report was systematically condemned by every scientist working on DvT in Brit-ain,yet it provided airlines with yet another excuse not to investigate further.  Other research being carried out in Britain showed that one person in every ten developsblood-clots after long-haul flights!Professor Scurr,consultant surgeon at Middlesex Hospital,London,has carried out research on DVT.He enlisted the help of 200 volunteers.all over50,with no previous history of clothing who would be fl~ng for more than eight hours to theirdestination,and the sanle back again.“It was a carefully selected group.We excluded anyonewho might be considered high-risk.We scanned them before they went,and we scanned themas they returned.And some of them came back with clots.”  As the research continued,it became apparent that the problem was greater thananyone envisaged.  “Most of these people were not aware that they had DVT.”comments ProL Scurr.“They didn’tnecessarily have swollen limbs.They didn’t have any other symptoms.Thesewerenotnecessarilybig,life-threatening clots,butwedidgetsomeideaofhowcolnrrlonitis.We don’t want to scare people,and we certainly don’t want to discourage them from flying.But we had no idea that the number would be as high as ten per cent.”  For a long time the problem lay in securing the cooperation of airlines in on goinginvestigations.In the past,the airlines were reluctant to cooperate,fearful of negativefindings.Perhaps tOO they thought that they might be held liable for any incidents.An-other researcher,Prof.Burnand,was awarded a research grant by the OccupationalHealth Institute,but for months failed to obtain the cooperation of any airline.



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用户评论 (总计4条)


  •   在北京买的 书里面有听力光盘 分12个单元有详细的答案 很不错
  •   买了送人的,说是很好!
  •   对于民航服务专业类的学生来说很实用,不过版本有点老,07年的,其他就很不错,涵盖了很多知识。
  •   物流速度给力 而且负责

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