
出版时间:2009-1  出版社:国防工业出版社  作者:张启途 主编  页数:220  字数:370000  


全书共分11单元,涉及整个贸易流程中最重要的内容,分别为商务英语交际,建立业务关系,询盘及回复,报盘、还盘和接受,合同,价格和佣金,付款,装运,包装,保险,申诉与索赔。每个单元又分为案例背景、口语对话、函电写作、深化阅读、仿真实训、综合练习等模块。该书整合商务英语口语、商务英语写作两大基本商务交际课程,突出工学结合、任务驱动教学要求,结合仿真商务案例,就一个业务内容从两个不同角度训练学生的说和写两种不同商务交际能力。编者总结多年成功互联网贸易经验和教学经验,通过真实工作案例,组织教材编写,教材语言通俗易懂,内容新颖、实用(如需电子教案,请发邮件至Lyzhang@ndip.cn索取)。    本书可供本科及高职高专院校商务英语专业、经贸专业、电子商务专业学生及相关专业学生、商贸行业培训学生及贸易从业人员、自学者使用。


Unit 1  Business English Communication  Section 1  Business English Speaking    1.Brief Introduction to Business English Speaking    2.How to Practice Spoken English?  Section 2  Business English Letter Writing    1.The Structure and Layout of Business English Letters    2.The Principles of Business English Letter Writing  Section 3  Modem Communication Tools    1.E-mail    2.Online Chatting Tool: TradeManager  Translation of Sections  Real Practice  ExercisesUnit 2  Establishing Business Relationships  Background  Section I  Speaking: Invitation to Canton Fair  Section 2  Writing    1.Establishing Business Relationships    2.Sales Promotion  Translation of Sections  Reading: Establish Relations through Alibaba.corn  Real Practice  ExercisesUnit 3  Inquiries and Replies  Background  Section 1  Speaking: Inquiry for QQ Kite  Section 2  Writing    1.General Inquiry    2.Specific Inquiry  Translation of Sections  Reading: Inquiry and Response Letters of Garlic  Real Practice  ExercisesUnit 4  Offers, Counter-offers and Acceptance  Background  Section 1  Speaking: Bargaining  Section 2  Writing    1.Offer    2.Counter Offer    3.Counter-counter Offer    4.Acceptance and Order  Translation of Sections  Reading: Firm Offer and Counter Offer for Ladies' Pajamas  Real Practice  ExercisesUnit 5  Contracts  Background  Section 1  Speaking: Signing the Contract  Section 2  Writing    1.Drafting the Contract    2.Response to Drafting the Contract  Section 3  Specimen Contract  Translation of Sections  Reading: Performance of Contract--Shipment  Real Practice  ExercisesUnit 6  Price and Commission  Background  Section 1  Speaking: Price Negotiation  Section 2  Writing    1.Price Inquiry    2.Asking for Commission  Translation of Sections  Reading: Asking for a Discount  Real Practice  ExercisesUnit 7  Payment  Background  Section 1  Speaking: Payment Negotiation  Section 2  Writing    1.Urging Establishment of L/C    2.Amendments of L/C  Translation of Sections  Reading: Asking for Extension of L/C  Real Practice  ExercisesUnit 8  Shipment  Background  Section 1  Speaking: Talking about Shipment  Section 2  Writing    1.Mode of Transportation    2.Date of Delivery  Translation of Sections  Reading: Asking to Allow Partial Shipment  Real Practice  ExercisesUnit 9  Packing  Background  Section 1  Speaking: Packing of Silk Garment  Section 2  Writing    1.Ways of Packing    2.Packing of Garlic Powder  Translation of Sections  Reading: Packing Fragile Goods  Real Practice  ExercisesUnit 10  Insurance  Background  Section 1  Speaking: Talking about Insurance  Section 2  Writing    1.Asking to Cover FPA    2.Cover All Risks and War Risks  Translation of Sections  Reading: Amendment of Insurance Term in the L/C  Real Practice  ExercisesUnit 11  Complaints and Claims  Background  Section 1  Speaking: Claim for Short Weight  Section 2  Writing    1.Claims for Inferior Quality    2.Claims for Short Delivery  Translation of Sections  Reading: Claims for Improper Packing  Real Practice  ExercisesAppendixes  Appendix Ⅰ  Key to Exercises  Appendix Ⅱ  Classified Expressions of Business EnglishReferences



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