
出版时间:2008-1  出版社:国防工业  作者:金敬红  页数:186  


  本书在梳理学生以往学习到的英语知识的基础上,强调正确句子写作的重要性和写作时文章结构的重要性;同时突出实用性,尽可能地与学生将来工作中的需求相结合。全书共7章,分别为写作中的语法错误分析、句子错误分析、有效句子的写作、英文标点及大小写规则、段落的写作、英文Essay写作、英文简历和论文文摘的写作。学生通过学习此书,可初步掌握英文写作的技巧,为今后的学习和工作打下良好的英文写作基础。    本书可作为各类非英语专业硕士生、博士生的英语写作教材,也可供英语教师、英语专业本科生学习参考。


Chapter 1 Grammar error analysis1.1 Subject/verb agreement problem1.1.1 Five kinds of subject1.1.2 Rules for subject verb agreement1.2 Pronoun form and agreement problem1.2.1 Rules for pronoun agreement1.2.2 Shift of pronouns1.2.3 Other problems with pronouns.1.3 Verb tense problem1.3.1 Tips for tenses1.3.2 Shift in verb tenses1.4 Verb form problem1.5 Verbal problem1.5.1 Gerunds1.5.2 Participles1.5.3 Infinitives1.5.4 A comparison between gerunds and infinitives.1.6 Wbrd form problem1.6.1 Useful suffixes1.6.2 A difference between a gerund and a derived noun1.6.3 Correct comparative and superlative forms of adjec—tives1.7 Word choice problem1.7.1 Correct usage of take,make,and do1.7.2 Words easily confused1.8 Wrong usage of articles1.8.1 1 Indefinite articles:a and an1.8.2 Definite article:the1.8.3 First VS.subsequent mention1.8.4 General VS.specific1.9 Problem with the plural form of a noun1.10 Word order problem1.10.1 Rules for word order:inversion of subject and verb1.10.2 Word order in subordinate clauses1.10.3 Other situations that requires an inverted word order1.10.4 Avoiding“squinting”modifiers1.11 Wrong attributive clause1.12 Wrong subordinate clause1.12.1 Independent clauses1.12.2 Three ways to combine clauses1.12.3 Dependent clauses1.13 Parallel form problem1.13.1 Elements joined by parallel structure1.13.2 Avoiding problems of parallel structure1.13.3 Incomplete comparisonsChapter 2 Sentence error analysis2.1 The“Big Three”sentence errors2.1.1 Fragments2.1.2 Comma splices and run—on sentences2.2 Dangling modifiers2.2.1 Major kinds of dangling modifiers2.2.2 Strategies for revising dangling modifiers2.3 Fused sentences/Mixed constructions2.4 Problems with sentence shift2.4.1 Consistence in person and number2.4.2 Consistence in subject,voice,and mood2.4.3 Consistence in verb tense2.4.4 Consistence in direct and indirect discourse2.5 Other sentence errors to avoidChapter 3 Effective sentencesChapter 4 Punctration and mechanicsChapter 5 Powerful paragraphsChapter 6 EssaysChapter 7 Resume and abstractBibliography



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