
出版时间:2007-3  出版社:国防工业  作者:肖肃  页数:338  字数:460000  


本教材选用了来自互联网、国内外英语报刊杂志和书籍的英语资料,并对其中的一部分作了节选或改写。采用主题形式编排。全书分为6个部分,每个部分包含文体相对独立、主题相互联系的3个单元。其中有教师示范课文,同时安排有学习者在教师指导后进一步独立学习的文章。设计有帮助学习者克服语言文字障碍,积极建构话语意义的Preview Assistance板块。Consolidation Work板块包括深化语言体系、扩展相关知识结构的各种练习。Research Consideration是在学习课文的基础上,进一步培养学习者收集资料、分析和解决问题能力,发展言语表达能力的专项练习。   本教材具有信息量大,知识涵盖面广,编排形式不拘一格,易于结合多媒体技术呈现教学内容等特点,适用于英语专业高年级学生,也可作为非英语专业学生、英语爱好者达到四、六级大学英语水平后,进一步提高英语语言能力的精读教材。


Part 1 Science and Technology Unit 1 Section A Duel in Cyberspace      Section B Digital Certificates and Encryption in Internet Commerce  Unit 2 Section A Einstein's Repulsive Idea      Section B Cosmology and 21st- Century Culture Unit 3 Section A A Century of Science      Section B Science Does the ImpossiblePart 2  Emotion and Life  Unit 1  Section A  How to Find True Love          Section B  Intimacy: Key to Lasting Love   Unit 2  Section A  On Affection          Section B  Of Love and Friendship   Unit 3  Section A  The Woman in the Kitchen          Section B  Unforgettable Miss BessiePart3 Famous Speeches  Unit 1  Section A  Bradcast on Russia Being Invaded          Section B  Shall We Choose Death  Unit 2  Section A  The Torch Has Been Passed to a New Generation of Americans          Section B  A New Season of American Renewal   Unit 3  Section A  In Memory of the Challenger Astronauts          Section B  My Graduation SpeechPart 4  Language and Education  Unit 1  Section A  The Road to Vulgarity          Section B  British English versus American English  Unit 2  Section A  Politics and the English Language          ……Part 5  Literature GalleryPart 6  Youth and Society



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