出版时间:2006-8 出版社:国防工业出版社 作者:李增智,王颖,杨 页数:440
本书是作者集20年双语教学的经验编写而成的大学物理英文教材。全书共11章,包括质点和刚体力学、振动与波、热学、电磁学、光学、近代物理等内容,每章均有相当数量的例题、思考题和习题,书末附有习题答案。全书内容翔实,理论联系实际,条理清晰,图文并茂。 本书可作为非物理专业特别是生物、医学专业的大学生以及在华学习的留学生开展大学物理双语教学的教材或参考书,也可以作为有一定英语基础的社会各界人士学习物理的参考书。
Chapter 1 Mechanics ( I ) 1.1 Statics 1.1.1 Measurement 1.1.2 Force 1.1.3 Newton's Laws of Motion 1.1.4 Idealized Models 1.1.5 Equilibrium 1.2 Straight Line Motion 1.2.1 Constant Velocity 1.2.2 Instantaneous Velocity 1.2.3 Average and Instantaneous Acceleration 1.2.4 Motion with Constant Acceleration 1.2.5 Freely Falling Bodies 1.3 Motion in a Plane 1.3.1 Projectile Motion 1.3.2 Uniform Circular Motion 1.4 Work and Energy 1.4.1 Work done by Constant Force 1.4.2 Work done by Varying Force 1.4.3 Kinetic Energy and Work-Energy Theorem 1.4.4 Conservative and Noneonservative (or Dissipative) Forces 1.4.5 Potential Energy 1.4.6 The Conservation of Mechanical Energy 1.5 Impulse and Momentum 1.5.1 Impulse-Momentum Theorem 1.5.2 Conservation of Momentum Questions ProblemsChapter 2 Mechanics ( II ) 2.1 Rotation of a Rigid Body 2.1.1 The Kinematics of Rotation about an Axis 2.1.2 Kinetic Energy of Rotation. Moment of Inertia 2.1.3 Torque. Newton's Second Law for Rotation 2.1.4 Calculation of Moment of Inertia 2.1.5 Work-Energy Theorem 2.1.6 Angular Momentum and Angular Impulse 2.1.7 Conservation of Angular Momentum 2.2 Oscillations 2.2.1 Simple Harmonic Motion 2.2.2 Simple Harmonic Motion and Uniform Circular Motion 2.2.3 Simple Harmonic Motion: Energy Consideration 2.2.4 Pendulum 2.3 Waves 2.3.1 Introduction 2.3.2 Wavelength and Frequency 2.3.3 Mathematical Description of a Wave Questions ProblemsChapter 3 Fluids 3.1 Fluid Statics 3.1.1 Density and Pressure 3.1.2 Archimedes' Principle 3.2 Fluid Dynamics 3.2.1 Fluid in Motion 3.2.2 Streamlines and the Equation of Continuity 3.2.3 Bernoulli's Equation 3.3 The Flow of Real Fluids 3.3.1 Viscosity 3, 3.2 Turbulence 3.3.3 Checking Your Blood Pressure with Turbulence Questions Problems Chapter 4 Thermodynamics……Chapter 5 ElectrostaticsChapter 6 Direct CurrentChapter 7 Magnetic FieldChapter 8 Electromagnetic InductionChapter 9 OpticsChapter 10 Special RelativityChapter 11 Quantum PhysicsAppendix A The International System of UnitsAppendix B Useful Mathematical RelationsAppendix C Unit Conversion FactorsAppendix D Periodic Table of The ElementsAppendix E Numerical ConstantsAnswers to ProblemsReferences