
出版时间:2007-1  出版社:国防工业出版社(图书发行部)(新时代出版社)  作者:王勇  页数:278  


  本书主要内容包括单元核心词汇与短语、水平预测、课文A精讲、课文B 精讲、一课一练、大学英语六级考试相关链接等部分。本书附录提供了全部课后练习答案和课文的中文翻译。  本书适合所有在校大学生、英语教师和英语自学者阅读。


Unit 1 Fighting with the Forces of NatureText A The Icy DefenderText B The Normandy LandingsUnit 2 Smart CarsText A Smart CarsText B Intelligent VehiclesUnit 3 Job InterviewText A Get the Job You WantText B A Mortal FlowerUnit 4 The Multicuiturai SocietyText A America as a collageText B Whats American about America?Unit 5 CrueltyText A A Friend in NeedText B A Man of the WorldUnit 6 The Pace of LifeText A Old Father Time Becomes a TerrorText B Life in the Fast LaneUnit 7 TerrorismText A The Nightmare and the DreamsText B Journey into the ShadowsUnit 8 TravelText A In the JungleText B Illinois JourneyAppendix Ⅰ  Key to Exercises (Units 1-8)Appendix Ⅱ Chinese Translations of Texts A (Units 1-8)Appendix Ⅲ Chinese Translations of Texts B (Units 1-8)



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