出版时间:2006-1 出版社:国防工业出版社发行部 作者:张亚非 页数:224 字数:259000
本教程以参加国际学术会议的全过程为主线,以国际学术交流的主要环节为重点内容,主要介绍国际学术会议信息收集、论文撰写、申请信函撰写、会议发言与论文宣读等技能。旨在培养综合运用英语从事与本人专业相关的科学研究、国际学术交流与合作的能力。 本书可作为高校非英语专业研究生、博士生教材,也可作为广大教学、科研工作者的参考书。
Chapter One International Academic Conference ABC Unit One Sources for Academic Conference Information 1. The Internet 2. Professional Journals 3. Conference Literature Unit Two General Knowledge About Academic Conferences 1. The Organizers and Sponsors 2. The Secretariat 3. Organizing Committees 4. Session Organization Chair/Convener 5. Session Modes 6. Session Format Unit Three Preparation for Attending Academic Conferences 1. Financial Assistance 2. Pre - conference Rehearsal 3. Cultural Awareness and Proper MannersChapter Two Correspondence for International Academic Communication Unit Four Introduction to Letter Writing 1. Form 2. Language 3. Additional Suggestions for Letter Writing 4. Addressing an Envelope Unit Five Letters Relating to Academic Conference 1. Letters for Invitation and Reply 2. Letters of Inquiry and Reply 3. Letters about Papers or Abstracts Submitted 4. Letters after Attending a COnference 5. Common Sentence Patterns and Expressions Unit Six Other Means of Academic Information Exchange 1. E-mail Format 2. Fax Writing 3. Resume WritingChapter Three Academic Writing Unit Seven Introduction to Research Papers 1. Topic Choosing 2. Information Collecting 3. Ideas Organizing and Outlining 4. Draft Writing 5. Draft Revising and Finalizing Unit Eight Organization of Research Papers 1. The Introduction 2. The Body 3. The Conclusion Unit Nine Title Writing and Abstract Writing 1. The Basic Requirements for a RP Title 2. The Length of a Title 3. Capitalization and Punctuation in a Title 4. The Basic Components of a RP Abstract Unit Ten Notes and Bibliography 1. The Use of Quotations 2. The Use of Notes 3. BibliographyChapter Four Procedures in Academic Conference Unit Eleven Chairing a Meeting 1. Different Forums of Meeting 2. Different Tasks for Chairing Different Forms of Meeting ……