
出版时间:2005-12  出版社:国防工业出版社  作者:刘法公陈明瑶  页数:252  


  WTO文本英语是WTO内外交流活动的专业语言,是WTO成员之间开展贸易和解决争端的工作语言,其词汇、术语、句法、语体等方面均有明显特色。 掌握WTO文本英语是从事国际贸易和与WTO成员交流的必要条件。《专门用途英语(ESP)系列:WTO文本英语》向读者提供纯正的WTO文本英语语料,主要涉及“WTO介绍”、“WTO决策程序”、“货物贸易”、“服务贸易”、“知识产权”、“WTO农业协议要略”、“WTO与中国的关系”、“WTO协议问题”、“争端解决”等专题。 本书适于作高等院校外贸英语、商务英语、国际贸易、国际金融、国际经济管理等专业方向的教材,也可作非涉外专业学生的选修课教材,或外经贸部门和经济管理部门的工作人员的WTO英语培训教材或自学参考书。


Unit 1 The WTO in BriefPART A1.1 What is WTO?Exercises 11.2 GATT:Provisional for Almost Half a CenturyExercises 21.3 The Multilateral Trading SystemExercises 31.4 The Structure and the Secretariat of WTOExercises 4PART. BTranslation of WTO DocumentsLanguage Features of This UnitBackground Information for Your Reference in ChineseUnit 2 Decision MakingPART A2.1 Whose WTO is it anyway?Exercises 12.2 Levels of AuthorityExercises 22.3 Settling Disputes2.3.1 Dispute-Settling Principles2.3.2 How are disputes settled?Exercises 32. 3. 3 Appeals2.3.4 Penalty2.3.5 Same People, Different Hats?Exercises 4PART BTranslation of WTO DocumentsLanguage Features of This UnitBackground Information for Your Reference in ChineseUnit 3 Goods Trade (I)PART A3.1 AgricultureExercises 13.2 Anti-DumpingExercises 23.3 Balance of Payments3.4 Customs ValuationExercises 33.5 GATI and the Goods Council3.6 Import Licensing3.7 Information Technology Products3.7.1 Basic Principles of the ITA3.7.2 Normal Implementation Period3.7.3 Extended Staging Developing Countries3.7.4 The ITA Today3.8 Market Access for Goods3. 8. 1 Tariff Cuts3.8.2 More BindingsExercises 4PART BTranslation of WTO DocumentsLanguage Features of This UnitBackground Information for Your Reference in ChineseUnit 4 Goods Trade (II)PART A4.1 Rules of Origin4.1.1 A General Introduction4.1.2 An Excerpt from the Agreement on Rules of Origin4.2 Safeguard MeasuresExercises 14.3 Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures4.3.1 Regulations for Animal and Plant Products4.3.2 The Least Developed and Those Depending on Food Imports4.4 Schedules of Concessions on Goods4.4.1 The Uruguay Round Increased Bindings……Unit 5 Service TradeUnit 6 Intellectual PropertyUnit 7 Understanding WTO Agreements on AgricultureUnit 8 Relation between WTO and VhinaUnit 9 An Outline of WTO AgreementsUnit 10 Disputs Settlement





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