
出版时间:2005-12  出版社:国防工业出版社发行部  作者:王述文  页数:404  字数:340000  




Aa  a fair deal/a good deal  a few/a good few  a good many/many a   a great amount of/of a kind  a number  of/the number of   a pair of/a couple of   a part of/part of   a piece of/of a piece  abide by/abide with  absent from/absent in   accommodate ot/accommodate with  according to/according as   account for/account to   acquit oneself/from across  act as/act for  act on/act out  act up/act up to  adapt for/adapt to  add in/add to  add up/add up to  add…to…/add to…/add up to  address…to/address onelelf to  admit of/admit to  advise of/afraid to/afraid for  after a fashion/after the fashion  agree on/agree to/agree with  ahead of time/ahead of one's time  alien from/alien to  alight on/alight with  all alone/all along  all but/all but one  all in/in all/all in all/at all   all…not/not…all   all out/all over  allovw for/allow of   angry at/angry about/angry with  answer for/answer to/answer up to   anxious about/anxious for/anxious to  any more/some more  anything but/nothing but  anything like/like anything  ……BaCcDdEdFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwYyZz



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