出版时间:2002-9 出版社:国防工业出版社 作者:庚鲜海 页数:206 字数:173000
The textook in divided into five parts. Part I explains and demonstrates the process of keeping a Reading /writing journal on the course work.Students are guided towards practising several exploratory reading and witing skills,including annotating,making double-entry notes,and summarising that will be useful for subsequent assignments. Part II contains the first essay assiment,which asks studentsto express a belief or share and ingsight based on their own experience. Part III contains the second essay assignment,which anks students to evaluater thd course erading by relating what they have read to what they hawe already known from experience. Part IV contains the third essay assignment,which anks students to analyze and argumentative essay and to present and support opinions in reaction to odeas discussed in the reading. Part V contains the fourth essay assignment,which asks students to research ra recent controversy and to establish and suport a position on the controveersial issue.
Part I Reading,Writing,and Keeping a Jouranl What is a Reading/Writing Journal? What to Keep in the Journal? Sample Student Journal Entries Reading Guidance Sample Readings Writing Skills Sample ReadingsPart II Writing from Experience:Expressing a Personal Viewpoint Reading Guidance Sample Readings Writing Skills Sample Student WritingsPart III Writion from Course Readings:relation Reading to Experience Reading Guidance Sample Readings Writing Skills Sample Student WritingsPart IV Writing an Argumentative Essay Reading Guidance Sample Readings Writing Skills Sample Student WritingsPart V Writing from Qutside Sources:Researching a Controversy Writing a research Paper Sample Student Reading Writing Skills References