出版时间:2011-12 出版社:陈家旭 人民卫生出版社 (2011-12出版)
《中医诊断学》内容简介:Acting as a b r dge between the basic theo ry of Chinese medicine (CM)and va riou scilnicaI subiect s Diaqnostics in Chine se Medicine can be rega rded as a core subject Inunde rstandlnq the concept 0f CMBa sed on the nationaI textbooks of CM in China Diagnosficsin Chinese Medicineiswritten combined with the National Elaborate Cou rse given by Professor Chen Jia xu a十Beijing Unive rsity of CM Acco rding to P rofesso r Chen's long standing high academicand cIinicaI practice,figu res and tables a re presented clea rly to inten sify understandingand comP rehen sion In addition,222 tYPicaI Picfu re s fo r in sPecfion(fongue)examinarian a re included in the DVD to help unders十anding end teaching Comprehensive and in deofh explanafion a s weII a straining course for application of fou r diagno stic methoa sand various methods for patte rn differentiation、Numerous figu res and fabIes fo heIP P re senf idea sSimply and logically、Case records writing for lnitialstudenfs、Pictures contained in DVD to help understanding andteaching。
Contributors(Listed alphabetically by name)Chen Jia-xu(陈家旭)Kou Mei-jing(寇美静)WangLi—rain(王利敏)Zhao Xin(赵歆)Ding Jie(丁杰)TangYi-ring(唐已婷)Wang Shao-xian(王少贤)Zou Xiao-juan(邹小娟)Translators(Listed alphabetlcally by name)Chenlia-xu(陈家旭)Guo Xiao-ling(郭晓玲)Li Jing-jing(李晶晶)Yue Li—feng(岳利峰)Ding Jie(丁杰)Jiang You-ming(姜幼明)Liu Yue-yun(刘玥芸)Enolish Editors
版权页:插图:Hoarseness or aphonia in chronic disease pertains to deficiency pa~ems due to internal damage of the essential qi,yin deficiency of the lung and kidney or deficient fire scorching the lung,all of which cause insufficiency of fluid and impairment of the lung in producing a normal voice;such a pathological condition is known as“broken metal failing to sound”.Hoarseness or aphonia may be caused by shouting with rage,screaming or prolonged raising of the voice,which impairs both qi and yin and deprives the throat of moisture.Hoarseness or aphonia at the advanced stage of pregnancy,which is called。。loss of voice during pregnancy,is due to the foetus interfering with the collaterals,which prevents the kidney essence from being transported upwards;it will heal spontaneously after delivery. C.Snoring: Snoring means the rattling noise produced by the nose and throat during sleep or coma,which is mostly due to partial obstruction of the respiratory passages.Snoring during sleepis often caused by chronic diseases of the nose or improper posture during sleep.However,it is not always an abnormal state;it can frequently be observed in obese or elderly people.The person in deep slumber with incessant snoring is mostly due to coma and qi dashing out of the respiratory tract;it is often a critical sign as heat is attacking the pericardium or wind‘strike entering the zang organs. D.Groaning: Groaning is an utterance expressing pain or disapproval.The persistent groaning ofthe patient is often due to pain or a distending sensation that is difficult to bear.The high pitched and strong groan pertains to excessive patterns,whilst the low pitched and weak groan pertains to deficiency patterns.According to the changes in demeanor of a patient seen in clinic it is possible t0 distinguish the location of the pain.For instance,if the patientis frowning and groaning they may be suffering from a headache;touching the cheek and groaning is mostly due to toothache;protecting the heart or abdomen and groaning will be associated with chest pain or abdominal pain;inability to walk,touching the waist or legs and groaning is mostly due to lumbago or arthritis.
《中医诊断学》编辑推荐:TCM Case Studies:Internal Medicine、TCM Case Studies:External Medicine、TCM Case Studies:Pediatrics、TCM Case Studies:Gynecology、TCM Case Studies:EENT、TCM Case Studies:Autoimmune Disease、TCM Case Studies:De rmatology、TCM Case Studies:Pain Management、1.History and Philosophy of Chinese Medicine、2.Fast Track to TCM Chinese:A Language Primer(CD Includec、3.Fundamentals of Chinese Medicine、4-Diagnostics in Chinese Medicine IDVD includedl、5.Chinese Materia Medica(DVD Included)、6.Chinese Medicinal Formulas、7.Acupuncture and Moxibustion、8.Tui Na(DVD Included)、9.Chinese Internal Medicine、10.Chinese External Medicine(DVD Included)、11.Gynecology in Chinese Medicine、12.Pediatrics in Chinese Medicine fDVD Included)、13.Ophthalmology in Chinese Medicine(DVD included)、14.OtorhinoIaryngoIogy in Chinese Medicine(DVD Included)、15.Research Methodology in Chinese Medicine、16-Chinese Medical Classics:Selected Readings、1 7 Health Cultivation in Chinese Medicine、1 8 Qi Gong in Chinese Medicine(DVD Included)、1 9.Yang Style Tai Ji Quan:A Beginner’s Guide fDVD Included)、20 Cosmetology in Chinese Medicine(DVD Included。