出版时间:2009-10 出版社:人民卫生出版社 作者:洪班信 页数:282
阅读是我们学习英语的主要目的之一,也是我们英语运用能力的基本表现。作为医学生、医生和医学科研人员,医学阅读是我们在专业领域里的重要活动,是我们希望能掌握的一项有用工具。但是,如何才能培养较为熟练的英语阅读能力呢?常言说,“从游泳中学游泳”,同样,我们也要“从阅读中学阅读”,实践出真知。学过基础英语,通过了大学英语四、六级考试,具备了英语阅读的初步能力,在这个关键时期,用一把力就上去了,进入一个更高境界,一旦停滞下来,就有可能前功尽弃。这时最重要的就是大量阅读。它不仅可使你的阅读逐步熟练,而且也可带动听说和写作能力的提高,如果你有这些方面要求的话。在具有一般阅读初步能力的基础上,及时转向医学专业阅读,让自己慢慢积累医学术语,熟悉医学英语的语言结构特点,经过一段坚持和努力,必然会在医学阅读能力上取得飞跃进展。 本书提供的大量阅读材料全部选自近两三年国外期刊、报纸和个别专著,反映了医学和医疗在全世界的最新进展。文体兼有报道和论述,文章有长有短,文字有易有难,读者通过多种形式的接触可以提高今后阅读国外不同文献的适应能力。系统阅读本书不仅可在语言上得到提升,而且在专业上也可同时获得大量最新信息,真是一举两得。 本套书共分三集,每集收有文章80篇,共240篇。每集均有一个主题,第一集:环境、健康、疾病预防;第二集:临床医学新进展;第三集:生物医学、新技术。每一集里的文章又有一个大致的归类,每类设有小标题,方便读者了解选材的全貌,或者寻找与自己专业有关的及感兴趣的部分。每课后面均编有词汇练习和理解练习,读者如能系统去做,必将有助于词汇的巩固和对文章的深入理解,进一步提高学习效果。
心脏病哮喘外科移植妇产科儿科骨科中医药癌症帕金森病高血压糖尿病其他参考译文 心脏病 哮喘 外科 移植 妇产科 儿科 骨科 中医药 癌症 老年痴呆 帕金森病 高血压 糖尿病 其他练习答案
2. Some Heart Drugs May Provide Added Benefits Taking prescription beta-blockers1 or statin2 drugs may boost the chances of having only mildchest pain instead of a heart attack as the first symptom of heart disease, U.S. researchersreported on Monday. The scientists studied 1,400 patients newly diagnosed with heart disease to try to pinpointswhy some had heart attacks while others experienced chest pain, known as exercise-inducedangina4, which is far less dangerous. Twice as many of the chest pain patients had filled prescriptions for a beta-blocker or a statinduring the previous five months, they found. Previous studies have shown that these drugsreduce overall heart disease, but the new research is the first to demonstrate they may reduce thechances of someone having a sudden heart attack without earlier symptoms. "If there are warning symptoms like angina with exercise, there is enough time to see adoctor and get started on effective treatments that reduce risk," said Dr. Mark Hlatky, one ofthe studys authors and a professor of cardiovascular medicine at Stanford University inCalifornia. "Having a heart attack causes permanent damage, even if it doesnt kill you," headded. Heart disease is the leading killer of Americans.