
出版时间:2007-10  出版社:中国中医研究院 人民卫生出版社 (2007-10出版)  作者:中国中医研究院 编  


《岳美中医案集(英文版)》内容简介:Professor Yue Mei-zhong was a well known doctor of Chinese medicine in modern China. This book consists of 88 sections on Yue's clinical experience in treating vanous stubborn diseases, including chronic nephritis and uremia, as well as acute and chronic infectious diseases, The cases reported in this book are analyzed and discussed in detail, vividly reflecting Yue's thinking and approaches to clinical treatment, Droviding readers with access to understanding how this great doctor studied and applied the theory of Chinese medicine.


The Treatment of Urinary Calculus and Loss of Left KidneyFunction by Clearing Heat and Resolving DampnessThe Treatment of Ureteral Calculus withThe Treatment of Ureteral Calculus by Clearing Heat, DredgingDampness and Reinforcing the KidneyThe Treatment of Ureteral Calculus with Medicinals that areWarm and Hot in NatureThe Treatment of Renal Calculus by Relieving Strangury andDraining WaterThe Treatment of Chronic Pyelonephritis withThe Treatment of Chronic Pyelonephritis withThe Treatment of Chronic Pyelonephritis withThe Treatment of Chronic Nephritis Caused by Invaginated EczemawithThe Treatment of Nephritis and Secondary Edema Due to NonTransformation of Spleen Dampness with Formulas thatHarmonize the Spleen and StomachThe Treatment of Edema Caused by Chronic Nephritis by Warming the Kidney to Produce YangThe Treatment of Chronic Nephritis (Wind Edema)The Treatment of Albuminuria in Cases of Chronic Nephritis Due toDeficiency of Both the Spleen and Kidney withThe Treatment of Late Stage Chronic Nephritis with,(Radix Astragali) PorridgeThe Treatment of Chronic Nephritis in Children with(Stigma Maydis)The Treatment of Uremia withwith ModificationThe Treatment of Acute Uremia with Modified withThe Treatment of Chronic Hematuria Due to Spleen Deficiency and Sinking Qi withExample of Syndrome Differentiation and Treatment of Kidney Yang DeficiencyThe Treatment of Abdominal Distension withThe Treatment of Abdominal Pain withThe Treatment of Halitosis and Thunder-Like Borborygmus withThe Treatment of Wind Diarrhea withThe Treatment of Retention of Dry Feces due to Middle Deficiency with……


版权页:插图:The seventh visit on March 10 revealed that the patient caught a cold yesterday, resulting in a cough and slightly stuffy nose. The left lower abdomen was still uncomfortable with prolonged standing, and the patient presented with improved urinary flow, normal appetite, sound sleep, and the pulse was slightly rapid and large on both sides. The previous formula was used with the deletion of non sha shen [Radix Adenophorael.The eighth visit on March 20 revealed that the patient's urination was normal, and he occasionally experienced nocturia 3 to 4 times per night. The discomfort in the left lower abdomen disappeared. The patient also experienced a relapse of arthritis on the back of the left hand during the last 3 days with decreased finger function. He also presented with subjective fever, slight cough, a thin and white tongue coating, and rapid pulses. The fever and arthritis were treated with biomedicine, acupuncture and Chinese medicinals. The previous formula was used with modification.





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