
出版时间:2007-8  出版社:人民卫生  作者:贾弘囗  页数:372  


2001年8月,教育部制定并下发《关于加强高等学校本科教学工作提高教学质量的若干意见》(教高[2001]4号),指出:按照“教育面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来”的要求,为适应经济全球化和科技革命的挑战,本科教育要创造条件使用英语等外语进行公共课和专业课教学。对高新技术领域的生物技术、信息技术等专业,更要先行一步,力争三年内,外语教学课程达到所开课程的5%.10%。2005年1月,又印发了《关于进一步加强高等学校本科教学工作的若干意见》(教高[2005]1号),指出:高等学校要全面推广和使用大学英语教学改革的成果,要提高双语教学课程的质量,继续扩大双语教学课程的数量。要加强教材建设,确保高质量教材进课堂。    双语教育是提高学生英语水平的一个途径,尽管我国高等医学院校双语教学探索已有若干年,但教材的跟进始终显得滞后。没有合适的教材是目前双语教学面临的困难之一。2006年初,为推进双语教学的发展,经全国高等医药教材建设研究会和卫生部教材办公室审议,决定根据国家、地方和学生未来发展的需要,组织国内专家结合双语教学的经验,编写出版一套适应当前双语教学现状的教材。   此套教材的特点在于:    汇集名师。各教材主编均由卫生部规划的五年制、八年制教材的主编担任。    适合国情。教材的编写内容和体系主要参考我国医学院校长期使用并多次修订的五年制、八年制规划教材,更符合我国的教学模式。    语言纯正。根据引进的经典英文原版教材改编,聘请国外作者或编辑参与审校工作。    篇幅适中。由于双语教学的课时数有限,因此在编写时只选取各门学科需要重点掌握的内容(占中文教材内容的1/2~2/3)进行编写,也可减轻学生的负担。    丰富的教辅资源。教辅资源一直是外版教材的核心资源,因此,在本套教材编写的同时,我社引进了国外畅销的系列案例教材《Case Files》,以配合教学使用。    制作精美。为满足广大读者的阅读需要,全套教材采用双色印刷,图文并茂,版式清新观。    本套教材共16种,全部为卫生部“十一五”规划教材。全套教材将于2007年秋季和2008年春季分两批出版发行。可供各医学院校针对五年制、七年制、八年制等不同层次学生开展双语教学使用。


Chapter 1  PROTEINS Section 1  MOLECULAR COMPOSITIONS OF PROTEINS  1.1  Proteins Perform a Variety of Dynamic and Structural Functions  1.2  All a- Amino Acids in Proteins Are "L" Steroisomers  1.3  Peptide Bonds and Disulfide Bonds Form the Primary Structure of Proteins Section 2  PROTEIN STRUCTURE  2.1  The Sequence of Amino Acids Is the Primary Structure of a Protein  2.2  Secondary Structure Has Regularly Repetitive Folding Patterns of Polypeptides  2.3  Tertiary Structure Is the Overall Folding Patterns of Polypeptides  2.4  Quaternary Structures Are Defined by the Interactions between Different Subunits Section 3  PROTEIN STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION  3.1  The Potential Function of a Protein Is Specified by Its Primary Structure  3.2  Myoglobin Consists of a Single Polypeptide and a Tightly Bound Heme Group  3.3  Oxygenated and Deoxygenated Hemoglobin Have Different Quaternary Structures  3.4  Oxygen Binding to Hemoglobin Is Cooperative  3.5  2, 3-Bisphosphoglycerate Is a Negative Allosteric Effector of Oxygen Binding to Hemoglobin Section 4  PROTEIN PHYSICO-CHEMICAL PROPERTIES AND PURIFICATION.-.  4.1  Physico-chemical Properties of Proteins Are Related to Their Structure  4.2  Proteins Can Be Separated Based on Their Charge or Their Molecular Weight Section 5  PLASMA PROTEINS  5.1  Plasma Has Diversified Major Proteins  5.2  Plasma Proteins Play Physiologically' Important Roles SUMMARYChapter 2 NUCLEIC ACIDS   Section 1  NUCLEOTIDES AND POLYNUCLEOTIDES  1.1  Nucleotide Is Composed of Base, Pentose, and Phosphoryl Group  1.2  Nucleotides Have Different Derivatives  1.3  Polynucleotide Is Formed When Many Nucleotides Are Linked Together  1.4  The Primary Structure of Polynucleotides Is the Nucleotide Sequence .. Section 2  STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS OF DNA   2.1  DNA is a Double Helix  2.2  The Native DNA Is Supercoiled and Has a Highly Organized Structure  2.3  DNA Can Be Replicated and Transcribed Section 3  STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS OF RNA  3.1  Messenger RNA Serves as the Template for Protein Synthesis  3.2  Transfer RNA Is the Amino Acid Carrier for Protein Synthesis  3.3  Ribosomal RNA Assembles a Machinery for Protein Synthesis  3.4  Some Small RNAs Are Non-coding RNAs Section 4  PHYSICO-CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF NUCLEIC ACIDS  4.1  Nucleic Acids Have Strong UV Absorption     4.2  Double-Strandod DNA Can Be Denatured and Renaturod   4.3  Nucleic Acids from Different Resources Can Be Hybridized SUMMARYChapter 3  ENZYMES Section 1  OVERVIEW  1.1  Enzymes Are Biomolecules with Catalytic Activities  1.2  The Active Site of an Enzyme Is a Region for Catalyzing the Reaction ~  1.3  Isoenzymes Are in Most Cases Encoded by Different Genes  1.4  Enzymes Are both Potent and Selective  1.5  Many Mechanisms Drive the Enzymatic Catalysis  1.6  Enzymes Are Classified and Named According to Their Reaction Type .. Section 2  ENZYME KINETICS  2.1  Substrate Concentration Affects the Rate of Enzymatic Reactions  2.2  V Can Be Affected by Varying Enzyme Concentrations  2.3  Enzyme Activity Is Temperature-Dependent  2.4  Enzyme Activity Depends on pH  2.5  Enzymes Can Be Inhibited by Specific Substances Section 3  REGULATION OF ENZYMES  3.1  Allosteric Enzymes Can Be Regulated by Altering Their Conformations  3.2  Enzyme Activities Can Be Regulated by Chemical Modification   3.3  Many Enzymes Are Released as Inactive Precursors Section 4  MEDICAL ASPECTS OF ENZYMES   4.1  Deficiency or Abnormality of Enzymes Can Cause Disorders   4.2  Serum Enzymes Are Used for the Diagnosis of Many Diseases   4.3  Enzymes Are Used as Chemical Reagents in Clinical Analyzers SUMMARYChapter 4 CARBOHYDRATE METABOLISM   Section 1  OVERVIEW    1.1  Cells Have Choice among Altemative Substrates, but Glucose Is More Important for Their Needs……Chapter 5 LIPID METABOLISMChapter 6 BIOLOGICAL OXIDATIONChapter 7 AMIND ACID METABOLISMChapter 8 NUCLEOTIDE METABOLISMChapter 9 REGULATION AND INTEGRATION OF METABOLISMChapter 10 DNA BIOSYNTHESISChapter 11 RNA BIOSYNTHESISChapter 12 PROTEIN BIOSYNTHESIS (TRANSLATION)Chapter 13 REGULATION OF GENE EXPRESSIONChapter 14 CELLUAR SIGNAL TRANSKU CTIONChapter 15 CELL GROWTH CONTROL AND CANCERChapter 16 GENOMICS AND MEDICINEChapter 17 DNA-BASED INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYIndex






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  •   适合留学生教材,物有所值
  •   很好,书质量不错,和书店里的一样
  •   数不错,就是快递太慢了
  •   当当上买书还是相当令人满意
  •   真的真的很实惠
  •   很好哦,相当的不错,真的不错艾
  •   英文版有点薄,其余还好~
  •   学习用书,附图太少,英文叙述的方式,不是很理想。
  •   英文看起来累啊,不过挺收益的啊
  •   是正版书,内容不错,值得一看!
  •   比较满意,下次再光临
  •   内容一般,比较简单。但是比较有条理,适合初学者用。

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