
出版时间:2006-12  出版社:人民卫生出版社  作者:高强  页数:279  字数:562000  


The“2005 Year Book of Health in the People’S Republic of China”is compiled under the leadership and sponsorship of the Ministry of Heahh with ioint efforts from other important organizations such as National Patriotic Health Campaign committee,the State Drug and Food Administration’the State  Administration  of  Traditional  Chinese  Medicine,the  General Administration of Quality Supervision’Inspection and Quarantine of the PRC,and Health Department of PLA General Logistics Ministry.It iS an informative reference book covering a comprehensive picture of the development and achievements.  With the first publication in 1983’ 22and volumes of Year Book of Health have been published until now.The“2005 Year Book of Health in the People’S Republic of China”iS the 22“volume containing the latest information up to the end of 2004。


Chapter 1 HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control  1.1 Maior Contents of the Conference  1.2 Thc Comprehensive Policy Framework for HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control in China  1.3 Progress on HIV/AIDS Prevention’Treatment and Care in China(2004)  1.4 Significant Policy Document of HIV/AIDS Prevention’Treatment and Care  1.5 2004 Events Calendar of China’S HIV/AIDS Prevention and Contro]Chapter 2 Significant Report in Conference  2.1 President HU Jintao and Premier WCn Jiabao Gave Important Instructions on the CMS Pilot Proj ects  2.2 Speech by Vice Premier wu Yi at the 2004 National TCM Conference  2.3 Speech bV Vice Premier wu Yi at the National Conference on Public Health  2.4 Speech by Vice Premier Wu Yi at the National Video Conference on TB revention and Treatment  2.5 Speech by Vice Premier wu Yi at the 2004 National Conference on Pilot Proj ects of New CMS.  2.6 Report on Building and Improving the Public Health Emergency Response SystemChapter 3  Pol icy and Statute  3.1 Law 0f thc PRC on the Prevention and 7reatment of Infectious Diseases  3.2 Regulations on Bio—safety Management in Pathogenic Microorganism Laboratories Medical Instruments  3.3 The Decision on Further Strengthening Food Safety by the State Council  3.4 Administrative Measures on Equipment and Ues of Large-Sized Medical Instruments  3.5 Health Standards Promulgated in 2004Chapter 4  Progress of Health Work  4.1 Health Work  4.2 Trials of Health Care System Reform in Cities  4.3 Amendment to Law on the Prevention and 7reatment of Infectious DiseasesChapter 5 Disease Control and Prevention  5.1 Disease Control and Patriotic Sanitation Work  5.2 Infrastructure Development of Disease Prevention and Control Institutions  5.3 National Epidemic Information Network-Based Direct Reporting Open t0 Use  5.4 Progress in Poliomyelitis—Free Effort in 2004  5.5 Summary of Statutory Reported Epidemic Diseases in 2004  5.6 SARS Prevention and 7reatment  5.7 Surveillance on Human Avian Influenza  5.8 Greater Government Commitment on 7uberculosis Control  5.9 New Measures for Tuberculosis Control in China  5.10 Influenza Surveillance,Prevention and Treatment  5.1l Thc Promulgation of the Plan for the Prevention and Control of Major Endemic Diseases 2004——2010  5.12 China Held the International Seminar on Improving Water Quality and Reducing Arsenic Poisoning  5.13 Preparations for the 5‘“National Monitoring for Iodine Deficiency Disorders  5.14 The Ministry of Health Publicized the 2004 National Monitoring Results of Iodized Salt  5.15 The State Council Set Up the Leading Group for Schistosomiasis Prevention and Control  5.16 Thc National Working Conference on Schistosomiasis Prevention and Control  5.17 The Promulgation of the Working Plan for Oral Health in China 2004—201。  5.18 Survey on the Status Ouo of Nutrition and Health Conditions of Chinese Residens Has Been CompletedChapter 6 Publ ic Health EmergenciesChapter 7 Execution of Health SupervisionChapter 8 Health QuarantineChapter 9 Health Work in Rural AreaChapter 10 Maternal and Child Health Care and Community HealthChapter 11 Medical AdministrationChapter 12 Health Education and News PublicationChapter 13 International Cooperation and Utilization of Foreign CapitalsAppendixⅠ Health Status in China Compared to the Main Country in the WorldAppendixⅡ Indicators of Population,Society and Economy of China




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