
出版时间:2002-10  出版社:人民卫生出版社  作者:拉森  页数:548  字数:1275000  


1 cametogenesis,fertilization,an the irst week  origin ofthe gem  line meiosis;gametogenesis in the male and female;the menstrual cycle;fertilization;cleavage  clinical applications    chromosomal anomalies,contraceptive techniques and strategies of assisted reproduction  expermental principles    genetic regulation of germ cell formation,proliferation,mi-gration,and developme2 the second week  development of the bilaminar germ disc and establish-ment of the uteroplacental circulation  clinical applications    hydatidiform mole  experimental principles    genomic lmprinting3 the third week  castrulation,formation of the trilaminar germ disc,and lnitial development of the somites and neural tube  clinical applications    abnormal gastrulation  experimental priciples    regulation of deve lopment by cascades of gene expression4 the fourth week  differentiation of the somites and the nervous system;segmental evelopment and lntegration  clinical applications    malformations of neural tube closure  experimental principles    segmentation of the paraxial mesoderm5 development of the peripheral nervous system  lntegration of the developing nervous system;lnnerva-tion of motor and sensory end organs  clinical applications    hirschsprung s diseaes:a congenital defect of neural crest migration  experimental principles    experimental studies of the neural6 embryoic folding7 development of the heart8 development of the vasculature9 development of the gastrointetinal tract10 development of the urogenital system11 development of the limbs12 development of the the head,the neck the eyes,and the ears13 development of the brain and cranial nerves14 development of the lntegumentary system15 fetal development and the fetus as patientclossaryindex



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