
出版时间:2002-12  出版社:人民卫生出版社发行部  作者:赛尔  页数:483  字数:1143000  


The authors wish to dedicate this edition of Operative Trauma Management: An Alas to our surgical Heitage. Specifically we will be forever indebted to our mentors, teachers, colleagues, house officers, students, and patients, from whom we continue to learn as we practice the art and science of surgey.    To our parents and specifically our spouses, Carina, and Sue we owe our most sincdere gratitude for their love, support,and companionship that have allowed us to pursue our intellectual curiosities as well as share our time with those in need.


ContributorsPrefaceChapter 1 Airway ManagementChapter 2 Intravenous Access and Emergency ThoracotomyChapter 3 Diagnostic Procedures Used to Estabilish PrioritiesChapter 4 General Surgery Principles: Wound Management and ClosureChapter 5 Scalp and Face TraumaChapter 6 Cranial NeurotraumaChapter 7 Vascular Injuries of the NeckChapter 8 The Nonoperative Management of CervicalChapter 9 Cervical ExophagusChapter 10 Tracheal InjuryChapter 11 Thoracic Inlet and Mediastinal InjuriesChapter 12 Chest Wall, Lung, and PleuraChapter 13 HeartChapter 14 Diaphragmatic InjuryChapter 15 Stomach and Distal EsophageusChapter 16 DuodenumChapter 17 Small IntestineChapter 18 Colon and Rectal InjuriesChapter 19 Parenchymal Liver InjuriesChapter 20 Perihepatic Venous InjuriesChapter 21 Gallbladder and Biliary TractChapter 22 PancreasChapter 23 SpleenChapter 24 Abdominal AortaChapter 25 Injuries to the Inferior Vena CavaChapter 26 Mesenteric Vascular TraumaChapter 27 Abdominal WallChapter 28 Renal TraumaChapter 29 Ureter and BladderChapter 30 Perineum and External GenitaliaChapter 31 Uterine and Ovarian InjuriesChapter 32 Upper Extremity Bascular InjuresChapter 33 Lower Extremity Vascular InjuriesChapter 34 Amputations in TraumaChapter 35 Intensive Care UnitIndex



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