
出版时间:2002-09-01  出版社:人民卫生出版社  作者:约翰逊 (Eugene D.Jacobson)  页数:206  字数:340000  


Gastrointestinal Physiology, sixth edition, offers the fundamentals in a fast, clear, and concise manner. It provides a basic understanding of how the gastrointestinal system functions in both health and disease. This new sixth edition of Gastrointestinal Physiology is the ideal tool for learning this material!   Look at these outstanding features:     ·Clear and accurate coverage of the physiology of the gastrointestinal system, focusing on the needs of the student.     ·Content on pathophysiology throughout the text, serving as a bridge between normal function and disease     ·An abundance of student friendly tools: boldfaced Key Terms and Concepts, chapter Summaries, and concise References.     ·A mini-examination at the end of the book, allowing students to prepare for in-class and standardized exams.     ·Call-outs for Key Words and Concepts in each chapter.     ·Text enhanced with a wealth of illustrations.


1  Regulation:Peptides of the Gastrointestinal Tract  Leonard R.Jobnson    General CHaracteristics    Discovery    Distribution and Release    Actions and Interactions    Candidate Hormones    Neurocrines    Paracrines    Clinical Applications    Clinical Tests    Summary    Key Words and Concepts2  Regulation:Nerves and Smooth Muscle  Norman W.Weisbrodt    Anatomy of the Autonomic Nervous System    Neurohumoral Regulation    Gastrointestinal Function    Anatomy of the Smooth Muscle Cell    Smooth Muscle Contraction    Summary    Key Words and Concepts3  Swallowing  Norman W.Weisbrodt    Esophageal Peritalsis    Receptive Relaxation of the Stomach    Clinical Applications    Clinical Tests    Summary    Key Words and Concepts4  Gastric Emptying  ……5  Motiity of the Small Intestine6  Motiity of the Large Intestine7  Salivary Secretion8  Gastric Secretion9  Pancreatic Secretion10  Bile Production Secretion and Storage11  Digestion and Absorption12  Fluid and Electrolyte Absorption13  The Splanchnic CirculationAppendix Review ExaminationAnswers



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