
出版时间:2002-9  出版社:人民卫生  作者:伯恩  页数:312  字数:513000  


Cardiovascular Physiology,eighth edition,offers the fundamentals in a fast,clear,and concise manner.It provides a basic understanding of how the cardiovascular system functions in health and disease.This new eighth edition of Cardiovascular Physiology is the ideal tool for learning those basics.    Look at the following outstanding features:     Includes a wealth of new topics,such as delayed rectifier K channels and their importance in cardiac dysrhythmias,nitric oxide in the regulation of vascular resistance,mechanisms in the divelopment of the collateral circulation,effects of ischemia on the Na/Ca exchange,and much more.    New information on the importance of preload and afterload in determining cardiac performance.    New student-friendly tools,including Statement Headings and Chapter Objectives.    Now includes Clinical Case Studies with multiple-choice questions,answers,and rationales.    Updated illustrations and bibliographies throughout.


1 The Circuitry SUMMARY  CASE2 Electrical Activity of the Heart  CARDIAC ACTION POTENTIALS CONSIST OF SEVERAL PHASS    Principal Types of Cardiac Action Potentials Are the Slow and Fast Types     Ionic Baqsis of the Resting Potential,The Fast Respondent Sodium Channels     Ionic Basis of the Slow Response  CONDUCTION IN CARDIAC FLBERS DEPENDS ON LOCAL CIRCUTL CURRENTS    Conduction of the fast Response    Conduction of the slow Response   CARDIAC EXCITABILITY DEPENDS ON THE ACTIVATION AND INACTIVATION OF SPECIFIC CURRENTS    Fast Response    Slow Response    Effects of Cycle Length  THE HEART GENERATES ITS OWN PACEMAKING ACTIVITY    Sinoatrial Node    Ionic Basis of Automaticity    Overdrive Suppression    Atrial Conduction    Atrioventricular Conducion    Ventricular Conduction  AN IMPULSE CAM TRAVEL AROUND A REENTRY LOOP  AFTERDEPOLARIZATLONS LEAD TO TRIGGERED ACTIVITY    Early Afterdepolarizations    Delayed Afrterdepolarizations  ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY DISPLAYS THE SPREAD OF CARDIAC EXCITATION    Scalar Electrocardiography  DYSRHYTHMIAS OCCUR FREQUENTLYAND CONSTITUTE IMPOQUENTLY CLINICAL PROBLEMS    Altered Sinoatrial Rhythms    Atrioventricular Transmission Blocks    Premature Depolarizations    Ectopic Tachycardias    Fibrillation  SUMMARY  CASE3 The Cardiac Pump4 Regulation of the Heartbeat5 Hemodynamics6 The Arterial System7 The Microcirculation and Lymphatics8 The Peripheral Circulation and Its Control9 Control of Cardiac Output:Coupling of Heart and Blood Vessels10 Coronary Circulation11 Special Circulations12 Interplay of Central and Peripheral Factors in the Control of the CirculationAppendix:Case Study Answers



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